You/Historia Reiss - Visit

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You couldn't help but be concerned about Historia. Since dinner had started, she's been quiet when she's usually catching up with everything that she's missed. 

"Is everything alright, Historia?"

You snap her out of her thoughts. She gives you a smile and shakes her head. 

"Everything is alright, (y/n). I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Historia looks around the table before locking eyes with you. 

"I actually would. Do you mind if we talk somewhere more private?"

"I don't mind at all."

The two of you excuse yourselves from the table and you follow Historia out of the dining hall. The only thing heard throughout the hallways are your steps as you make your way down several halls of the building. You had stopped keeping track of the amount of times you turned around a corner to walk down another hallway. "Historia, where are we going? I feel like we've been walking in circles."

She looks over her shoulders as she giggles. You can't help but feel like something was off but you pushed it to the back of your mind. It was ridiculous to even think that she would do something.

"We're almost there. I just needed to make sure that our friends didn't sneak up on us. It's of utmost importance that what I'm about to tell you stays between us." The two of you continue walking for several more minutes until she stops at a door. Taking out a key, Historia unlocks it and opens it for you. "After you."

Alarm bells were going off in your mind again but you ignored them as well. 

"What is it that you wanted to talk about, Historia?"

She whispers something to someone before closing the door behind her. 

"I've missed you quite terrible, (y/n). After what happened with Ymir, you've been my only reason to smile. With you gone, I've had no reason to do so anymore."

"I'm sorry, Historia. After discovering the truth about the titans...."

"I know. You're a soldier first and foremost. Even as a queen, I can't do anything about keeping you behind so I wouldn't get lonely."

"I wish there was something I could do to stay."

"You can always run away, desert the Survey Corp and I'll keep you safe here. No one will know about it."

"Historia, I can't do that. Why would you even suggest something like that? You know how much the Survey Corp means to me and I can't leave my friends on their own. Not after what happened."

"What about me? I'm your friend too, (y/n). Why do they get to have you and I'm left all alone. I have no one. Ymir's gone and you'll be gone soon." 

She starts to sob, making you feel guilty. You kneeled at her feet, taking her hands in yours. 

"I promise that I'll do everything in my power to return to you as soon as possible Historia and when I come back, we'll be able to visit the sea together."

Historia looks down at your hands and then back up at you. 

"I don't care about the sea, (y/n). I care about you. I love you and I can't stand the thought of you going out there and getting killed."

"I love you too, Historia..."

"No, you don't! You don't love me like I love you."

You wince as her grip on your hands tighten but you don't let go. 

"What do you mean? You're my friend. Of course, I love you."

"I love you more than a friend! I've been trying to tell you for a while now but you've always been gone."

You didn't know what to say. You didn't feel the same way about Historia. You only considered her as a friend. 

"Historia...I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way about you. I don't see you as more than a friend. One who I deeply care about."

She looks out the window as her features darkened. You gulped loudly when you saw the small smile form. Standing up, you take a step back from her. 

"You care about me? If you really cared about me, you wouldn't be saying that to me."

"But I do care! Believe me, I really do."

"No! You don't care about me! Stop saying that!" Historia takes a deep breath to calm herself down before looking over at you. "But that's okay. I can make you love me like I love you. I lost Ymir but I'm not going to lose you."

"What are you talking about, Historia? What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to save your life. Let the rest of the scouts go on the mission. You're staying here with me."

Before you knew it, Historia had rushed out of the room. You followed after her, finding that the door was locked. 

"Historia! Historia! Open the door!"

On the other side, Historia couldn't help but let out a sigh in relief. You weren't going to be in any danger anymore. She was going to make sure you would be safe. 

"I'm afraid that I can't do that, (y/n)."

You tried getting the door to open but it wouldn't budge. The door was far too thick to knock it down. The room was in the highest level of the building, making it impossible for you to escape out of it. You looked out the window to find that it was faced nothing but a large field. Even if you  tried to signal for help, no one would be able to see it. Historia had deliberately led you to the room to make it impossible for you to escape. 


The scouts had all asked about where you had gone to and Historia had fed them a lie about assigning you on a recon mission to gain information. None of them questioned it as you would often go off on missions alone to get information for the scouts and the fact that Queen Historia wouldn't lie to them about your whereabouts. With them off her back, Historia was free to keep you to herself and she wasn't planning on letting you go anytime soon. 

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