You/Esdeath - Love

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TW: Drugging and manipulation

(Akame ga Kill)

You woke up in absolute pain. You weren't sure where it was coming from but your entire body was hurting. It was difficult to remember what had happened, in fact, it was difficult to remember anything. Opening your eyes, you found yourself to be in a room fit for a royal. The decorations looked expensive compared to the rags that you were wearing. Your clothes were torn, like if you had been in a fight. 

Sitting up to look for more information about where you were, you tried to sit up, only to cry out from the pain. Upon further inspection, you found your stomach wrapped in bloody bandages. 

"Oh, no! Don't move. You're hurt, (y/n)." You frowned at the name, unable to recognize it. Considering that you were the only one in the room, you figured it was your name. "Here, just lay back and I'll help you out."

The woman was gentle with your injuries, making sure that she didn't move you too much as she changed your bandages. 

"Thank you for helping me."

"You're most welcome, (y/n). Here, takes this. It'll help with the pain."

Having no choice but to trust her, you took the pills and downed them with the water. 

"Forgive me but I can't seem to remember anything. I..I can't even remember my name."

"I was afraid this would happen. The doctor said that you might suffer some memory loss after the hit that you had taken. I hoped that it wouldn't be too severe but that doesn't seem to be the case." The woman sighs as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "I'm Esdeath, your girlfriend. We've been dating for almost a year."

You frowned as you racked your brain to try to remember but it was useless. You couldn't remember anything. It didn't help that you were feeling sleepy. 

"I'm sorry. I can..can't remember you."

Esdeath smiles and presses a kiss on your forehead. 

"That's okay. I wouldn't have expected for you to remember anything. You hit your head pretty hard. But don't worry, you just need to focus on your recovery and then we'll later focus on your memories. How does that sound?"

You simply nodded, too sleepy to actually answer. As soon as your eyes closed, your breathing slowed down as you fell asleep. 


"How are the pills working, General?"

"They're a wonder. She can't remember anything except for the 'memories' that I've been giving her."

"Simply wonderful. Keep giving them to her, I'm working on a powder that you can put in her drink for when she recovers and no longer needs the pills. Has she suspected anything?"

"Not at all. There are times that she would have a minor flashback but she forgets the next day. The pill represses her memories."

The two of them smile as you looked up at them while you ate lunch with the rest of the Jaegers. They had all been given strict orders to befriend you and keep you from straying too far away from the castle. You were none the wiser about their ulterior motives, simply content to meet new people. 

"Excellent. I must admit this has been some of my best work. Are you going to test how well they work soon? I'm getting quite anxious to learn how well the pills can suppress her memories."

"Soon, Dr. We must be patient. She already trusts all of us but we must wait until her injuries fully heal before we bring her for a mission."

"Alright. Fine. I simply cannot wait then."


"I think it's time for you to accompany to one of our missions, my Darling. Your injuries have healed and you've been training hard with your imperial arm. I trust that you can handle yourself in a fight."

"You think so?! I can't wait! As soon as you told me about them and all the harm they've done to the empire, I've just been thinking of killing them."

Esdeath laughs before kissing you. She loved how you were completely devoted to her. She still kept drugging your water, making sure that it would be nearly impossible for you to remember your old self. The true test for the powder was to come and it would be determined by whether you would fight your old team. 

"I know and you'll have your chance. Now lets get ready, we have much to do and so little time."


Night Raid couldn't believe their eyes. You were alive. They had all believed you had been burned by Bols with his fire but that hadn't been the case. What they couldn't understand was what you were doing with General Esdeath and how you had obtained another imperial arm. 

"Surprised? If you had all bothered to check, you would've realized that she hadn't died. It's a shame really, she's quite handy with the sword. Almost as good as you Akame. I wonder why that is."

"You bitch!"

Without thinking, Akame pulled out her sword and went to strike Esdeath. Her eyes widen when she's face to face with you after you blocked her strike. 

"I will not allow you to harm General Esdeath."

"(y/n), what did they do to you?"

You pushed her back, not liking how close she was to Esdeath. 

"They helped me recover from the injuries that you gave me. The ones that nearly killed me."

Akame looks between you and Esdeath as she tried to figure out what was going on. 

"No! That's not what happened! W..we didn't do anything to you. They were the ones who nearly killed you."

There was no sign of any recognition in your eyes. Akame didn't recognize you anymore. She wasn't sure what was worse, seeing you alive but brainwashed by Esdeath or thinking that you were dead. 


Having enough of her, you began to fight her. Akame couldn't bring herself to hurt you so she continued to block all of your strikes. The rest of the team were too focused on the rest of the Jaegers to provide any help for Akame. 

"Retreat!" Night Raid hesitated for a second. They never retreated from a mission. All of them made sure to complete a mission despite the deaths of any of their friends. "Now!"

Esdeath laughed as she watched them run off. She couldn't be bothered to chase after them. With you on their side, it would be nearly impossible for them to win. 

"Lets go after them, Esdeath! We can't just let them leave."

Esdeath takes your hand and pulls you towards her. As you look up to her, she kisses you. 

"No. We got what we wanted. The mission was a success, right Doctor?"


Your memories were never coming back to you. 

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