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Love That Is Unconditional

Being okay, isn't easy. Pretending to be okay is easier, so that's what people often did.


Christian pressed his back deeper into the concrete wall, blowing smoke out through his lips, a nasty habit he had tried to break, for her sake.

Out with the smoke, he blew out all his worries, his problems, he blew them out, sorta like telling them he'd deal with them later.

He knew if he tried dealing with them right now, he wouldn't be able to hold the will to live anymore.

Growing up in a world like this, you were given morals, rules to follow, if you couldn't follow all those rules then you were an outcast, unwanted, judged.

It was kind of like those high school movie cliques. The populars were like the perfect people in this world, the people who could follow the rules and live up to the standards.

Then you had the outcasts, the people who couldn't. It was like all your life you had grown up being taught how to live like a popular, but then once you got to face the real world, all those lessons went to waste.

Christian felt exactly like that. He was only 22, he shouldn't have had to gone though what he did, but he did, and he was proud of that.

He was proud of his sort of battle scars. It made him tough. He knew the unpretty ways of the world.

But that wasn't always a good thing.

Pretending to be okay, to be strong, was okay when it was just you. But when you have 5 other siblings, it gets a whole lot harder.

Taking one last puff of his cigarette, he threw it on the ground, smushing it with his foot afterwards.

He stood there, breathing in the cold air one last time before going back inside, locking the door after him.

He slipped of his shoes and coat, hanging them in their respective places, before heading back upstairs and into his bedroom.

The corners of his lips slightly lifted as the sight of his little sister came into view. Her light brown locks messily covered the pillow, her tiny hands formed into fists as she clinged onto the blanket as if her life depended on it.

He went over to the bed, getting in on his side of the bed, he could feel the other side shift before a warm presence overtook his cold body.

"Bubba?" Her voice was croaky.

"I'm here, go back to sleep, baby." He said pushing the hair that covered her face and pulling her closer to him, soon he heard her breathing soften and her light snores emerge again.

He sighed before the feeling of sleep began to overtake him as well.

"I wouldn't trade my life for the world."



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