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Christian sighed as he finished lulling Lizzie back to sleep. She had gotten up so many times to throw up that Christian wasn't sure what she was throwing up anymore.

Christian decided he would just have to take her to the doctor as medications weren't working anymore.

He got up and grabbed a box from inside his bedside drawer.

He quietly walked down the stairs, trying to avoid waking anyone up, and slipped on his shoes before making his way to the backyard.

Christian leaned against the wall, sighing to himself before pulling out a cigarette, lighting it and inhaling the smoke.

He knew it was a bad habit which was why he always made sure not to do it in front of the kids.

Breathing in the smoke, Christian thought about just how fucked up his life had gotten.

He loved his siblings, he really did. But there were times where he had wished that his Dad didn't leave or his Mom didn't become a druggie. Maybe then he would have been able to live a life he wished to.

His siblings were important to him, he loved them a lot and would do anything for them. Sometimes he though about what he could have done if his life was stable, maybe he'd have a girlfriend or he'd be married, maybe he'd still be with her.

Christian sighed again, taking a long drag from his cigarette.

After a while, Christian made his way back inside, trying to be as discreet as he could, not wanting to wake up the others.

As always he made sure to check on his youngest brothers, making sure they were safe, then on his other brothers, making sure they were still there.

Lizzie was still asleep when Christian made his way back into his room, a small stream of slobber leaving her mouth.

His expression softened as he watched his baby sister, his heart content.


"I just need a little, I'll pay you back this time, I promise!" Katherine yelled, practically on her knees by now.

Smoke barely gave her a glance before chugging more of his beer down.

"That's what you said last time, look what happened." He laughed, flicking his finger forward, telling her to get out.

Katherine ignored him, continuing to beg and plead until one of Smokes guards had to escort her out.

She thrashed around as the guard set her down on the concrete outside of the club that smoke resided in.

Panic set in as Katherine realized her situation.

She was going to die and no one would care.


Lizzies nerves escalated as Sawyer pulled up to the doctors office, parking the car in a empty parking space.

He went around to the side of the car where Lizzie sat and unbuckled her car seat. He lifted her out of the seat and onto the road, grabbing her hand and locking the car as they headed inside the building.

"Elizabeth Carters." Sawyer told the lady at the front desk. She handed him a clipboard before telling him to find a seat and wait to be called.

As they waited, Lizzie played a kids game on Sawyers phone as he filled out all the important info on the sheet.

Soon enough, they were called to the back and Lizzie sighed as she prepared to meet her doom.



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