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Present Day.

Dylan woke up with a start.

He could feel his heartbeat going crazy as he tried to calm his breathing. He could feel his lungs full as if he was drowning.

A hand on his arm was shaking him.

"Dylan we need you calm down!"

Dylan was confused. Who was that voice, where was he?

Where were his siblings?

"Dylan your okay, just calm down!"

And then suddenly, his eyes opened.

Dylan was faced with a white room, blinding lights hitting his eyes as he looked around the room.

There were multiple faces clouding his vision making him feel claustrophobic.


He needed space.

One of the nurses grabbed his forearm, checking the firmness and making sure his I.V was in the right place while another nurse checked his heart monitor, ensuring his heart rate was normal.

Leave me alone.

Dylan tried to speak but he couldn't, he wanted to yell at all the nurses, tell them to leave him alone, ask them where his family was.

He wanted to hear the calming voice of his oldest brother, he wanted to hear his youngest brothers bickering, he wanted to hear the comforting words of his other brother, he wanted to see the beautiful face of his youngest sister.

Dylan felt as if he was going crazy.

The nurses held him down while they did their tests, every minute feeling like an hour.

Finally, they inserted a syringe into Dylans I.V., writing something down before, leaving the room talking amongst each other.

Dylan waited anxiously, feeling solace when he heard the multiple voices that came through the door.

"Thomas! Give it back!" He could hear the angry voice of his sister yell out to his youngest brother.

"Your so annoying, I don't know how Chris ever deals with you." Thomas yelled back, passing back the coloring book Lizzie was using  while waiting, unaware of the eyes watching them.

Dylan let out a weak laugh, gaining their attention. Immediately their faces lit up, all three kids running to him and crushing him with their hugs.

Christian and Sawyer met up with them, embracing their brother carefully.

"Your so stupid." Christian knocked him on the back of head, causing Dylan to wince.

"We'll you know me, party all night, sleep all day, that's my motto! Just didn't make it to the party I guess." Dylan shrugged nonchalantly causing Christian and Sawyer to glare at him.

"Your not off the hook you know, your just lucky your in the hospital." Sawyer grumbled, his eyes squinting at Dylan.

Dylan looked down, biting his lip.

He never meant to hurt anyone, he just wanted to stop his own hurt.

"With all that aside, we're glad your ok. The doctor said you could go home in a few days, they just want to flush the rest of the drugs put of your system." Christian looked amongst everything in the room, his ears ringing every time the heart monitor beeped.

It was funny how such a small device interpreted whether you were alive or not.

Christian couldn't help but go back to the day the love of his life passed. He couldn't help but realize this was the exact same setting. Looking down at Dylan, Christians chest tightened.

What would he have done if his little brother died the same way his love did.



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