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Tensions were high.

Thomas started off his day with gloom. He had such a dark aura surrounding him, even Sawyer knew he was mad.

Thomas woke up an hour before anyone else, got ready, ate breakfast and sat in the living room, waiting for the rest of his siblings.

Sawyer walked down the stairs an hour later, a dressed Elizabeth in his arms. He got a scare when he saw Thomas in the living room, his arms crossed and a dead set glare on his face.

Sawyer set Elizabeth in a chair with a bowl of cereal and walked over to Thomas, crouching down in front of him.

"Hey buddy." He said softly. Thomas didn't look at him. He kept his glare and kept his mouth shut.

Sawyer awkwardly chuckled.

"Uh, what's got you in the dumps." He glanced at his eyes, a darkness was warmed over them.

This time, Thomas glared into Sawyers colored eyes.

"Leon." He muttered.

Sawyer frowned.

"What do you mean, buddy." He tilted his head in confusion. Thomas sighed, his hard exterior slightly breaking.

"He's keeping secrets and acting as if I mean nothing to him." He said.

Now Sawyer was even more confused.

"I'm sure your being a little dramatic, Leon loves you, we all do." Sawyer smiled.

Thomas rolled his eyes.

"We promised we wouldn't keep secrets, he broke his promise just like he broke that puny fist of his." Thomas mocked.

Sawyer sighed, and stood up knowing that he couldn't change his mind.

"We'll you do you I guess." Sawyer patted him on the shoulder before walking back upstairs to wake Leon.


They say that family can either be your biggest weakness or you best strength.

Dylan watched as the people around him walked to their classes.

There's too many of them.

He thought. It felt as if he was suffocating, as if he was in the ocean and he didn't know how to swim.

Taking a deep breath, Dylan clutched the strap of his bag that hung off one shoulder. He tensed as people all around him, pushed past his shoulder.

Too many people.

"Hey!" A hand slammed down on Dylan's shoulder making him flinch in surprise.

"I've been calling your name for like 5 minutes dude the bell rang." Conners face came into view. Reality came crashing back into Dylan as he realized that the crowds of people were thinning out.

"Uh yeah, I gotta do something real quick, I'll text you later." Dylan shrugged off Conners hand before walking to the boys bathroom and locking himself in a stall.

His hands dug into his pockets, searching for the small bag, sighing in relief once it was in his grasp.

Just a little bit, just to ease my nerves.

He reminded himself, pouring some of the white powder onto the back of his phone and snorting it into his nostrils.

Dylan leaned his head against the cool metal wall of the stall, taking deep breaths in and out to try and calm his heart beat.

Soon, I'll be at peace.



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