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Sawyer sighed as he watched the rainfall continuously drip down.

He used to love these days.

Lighting a cigarette, Sawyer sat back in his seat, his car providing a slight hum to his peaceful night.

He could hear his phone vibrate, the screen lighting up with Christians name.

He ignored it.

He could see text messages flooding through, each one coming from his older brother.

And still, he ignored it.

His chest constricted, he wanted to be alone.

Sawyer had been so stressed, the responsibility of everything finally catching up to him.

He was working longer hours, going home and then having to take care of 4 other siblings, two of which were still pretty young. He enjoyed this time to himself.

The calm before the storm.


Thomas clenched his jaw as he saw another flash of lighting come through his window, the sound of his other two siblings fighting downstairs not helping his current situation.

Thomas had been afraid of thunder and lighting since he was little. His mother called him out whenever she could, making fun of him for not acting like a man, Thomas didn't like her very much.

Finally sitting up, Christian clenched his covers tightly in his fists, trying to control his very unsteady breathing.

Looking around the room, Lizzies bed was empty, she was presumably in Christians bed, the only other person around was Leon. Sawyer hadn't come home yet and Christian and Dylan were fighting downstairs.

Sighing to himself, Thomas got up, deciding he could go and slide in with Lizzie in Christians bed, at least he'd have someone to be with.

His sock clad feet thumped across the floor of his bedroom, small sounds frightening Thomas as he tried to make his way to the door as quickly as he could.

"Tommy?" Thomas huffed when he heard Leon get up from his bed, his fists rubbing his eyeshadow he tried to adjust to the room.

"What're you doing?" Leon asked him, confused as to why he was awake.

"Theres, uh there's a storm." That's scratched the back of his neck. Leon's eyes softened in realization.

"Uh, do you wanna sleep with me?" He proposed, hoping that Thomas would say yes.

Thomas thought about his offer. Lizzie was probably taking up all the space in Christians bed and Sawyer and Dylan's room was the scariest room he had ever been in.

Huffing to himself, Thomas begrudgingly slid in next to Leon in his small twin sized bed.

The pair awkwardly sat together, drinking in the silence as the storm passed. A loud struck of lighting could be seen through their bedroom window making Thomas shake in fear.

His hand got occupied with warmth as Leon squeezed it in reassurance. The pair sat together all night as the storm eventually slowed, talking about nonsense.

And in that moment, both of them knew they would be ok.



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