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"Dylan slow down!" Thomas grumbled as he tried to keep up with his older brothers as they traveled around the grocery store at inhuman speeds.

Well inhuman for Thomas who's little legs couldn't keep up.

"Hurry up, I gotta get home before the game starts!" Dylan merely glanced at him, continuing to go through the things on the list that Christian had left him.

"Yeah it's supposed be a good one." Leon continued, putting a box of cereal into the cart to which Dylan frowned at him.

"It's not on the list." He pointed at the box.

"Cmon Christian won't care if the list is a bit off." Leon shrugged, continuing down the isle.

Dylan looked back to Thomas who was walking slowly behind, he trudged around with his backpack as they had barely gotten out of school.

He sighed, walking over to him and putting him on his back, encouraging Thomas to wrap his arms around his neck and telling Leon to push the cart.

Just because I don't want to miss the game

Dylan assured really only himself.

Was he really going soft?


"It seems there is a bug going around." The doctor smiled at Sawyer who had Lizzie in his lap after she panicked when the nurses tried to take her blood pressure.

"I can prescribe some medicine but there's not much else I can do until it passes. I would suggest some more days off from school, maybe just the week, and light foods that won't make her stomach run." She checked her papers again.

"Other than that there was another thing I would like to go over which was her weight." Sawyer frowned.

Lizzie had always been smaller than others, it had always been a concern between Christian and Sawyer but they never really thought deeper into it.

"As of right now, of course with her stomach bug, she shouldn't be eating large meals but as soon as it passes I think it would beneficiary for her to be watched. Her weight is a bit concerning, especially with her age. Maybe just some encouragement to eat breakfast or eat more dinner, small things." Sawyer nodded to her, realizing just how little they had been watching Lizzies eating habits.

"Other than that, are there any more questions?" The doctor wrote something down on her papers, glancing up at Sawyer who was running a hand down Lizzies hair.

"No I think we're ok, thank you doc." He smiled at her, picking up Lizzie and her backpack.

"Ok then, the prescriptions for her medications will be sent to the front desk, you can pick them up there. Just send them to a pharmacy to they can get those to you." She informed him, gathering all her stuff and slightly crouching to get to Lizzies height as she was in Sawyers arms.

"I hope the next time I see you we can get to know each other a little more?" The doctor smiled at her. Lizzie turned her face, hiding in Sawyers chest making him smile apologetically towards the doctor.

"She's a little shy today." He explained. The doctor nodded, saying her goodbyes before leaving the room as did the siblings.

Sawyer walked to the front desk, ignoring stares from people around the room, mostly ladies.

"I have to pick up the prescriptions Doctor Adams just sent out." He told the lady at the desk. She smiled at him, grabbing the piece of paper before handing it to him with another slip and telling him to have a good day.

He left the office as quickly as he could.

"Those girls were like vultures." He looked down at Lizzie. "Never turn into a vulture baby."

He could hear the quiet laughter of his youngest sibling as he put her into her car seat, securely strapping her in before giving her a blanket as she slightly dozed off.

There was a slight moment of silence as Sawyer got into the front seat, sighing to himself as he let his head slam down onto the headrest.

His phone started ringing slightly after making him turn to it quickly, not wanting to wake Lizzie.

The name read Dylan.

"What do you want." He answered, starting his car. The sound of yelling could be heard in the background making Sawyer curious as he backed out of his parking space. He looked up at the mirror, watching as Lizzie lulled to sleep.

"So uh, this might sound crazy but, Leon got into a fight."



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