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Christian had a bad feeling.

As the oldest, he sort of had an intuition.

Walking into Dylan's room, Christian could feel the hole in his gut digging deeper and deepens

Something was wrong.

Dylan hadn't come home that night. Not a call, a text, nothing from him that could put Christians running mind at ease.

Christian pursed his lips as he looked around Dylan and Sawyers room. Nothing was out of the ordinary, both sides looking well put together.

With a closer look on Dylan's side, Christian found a pile of clothes on his bed.

He sighed, slowly picking them up and putting them into the dirty hamper.

He returned to the pile when a certain something caught his eye. It felt as if the whole world collapsed on him, memories of the past flooding him as if a hurricane had just hit him.

Oh how he wished a hurricane could hit instead of this.

Please don't let this be true.

He thought, his fingers reaching out to brush the object, the feeling in them going numb.

He felt numb, he couldn't feel any other emotion.

Underneath the pile of Dylan's clothes, was a pile of small bags filled with a white substance that Christian was all to familiar with.


Dylan groaned as his eyes adjusted to the light, he rolled over from his position and blindly searched for his phone. Once he felt the cold feeling of his phone he picked it up, cursing when it wouldn't turn on.

Dylan looked around, his surroundings being unfamiliar. The warmth next to him was unfamiliar too as was his lack of clothing.

What the hell did I do.

Dylan got up from his position, searching for his clothes.

Once he was dressed he took his phone and his wallet and left.

With a lot of wrong turns and no direction, Dylan found himself in a corner store with a headache.

He couldn't tell if it was due to him being hungover or to him being frustrated, it was probably both though.

Dylan went to the phone on the wall, putting in some quarters and dialing Christians number. As it rang, Dylan could hear his heart pounding.

Please pick up, please pick up.

With every passing second and that damn dialing tone that kept ringing in his ear.


Christians gruff morning voice sounded through the speaker putting Dylan at an ease.

"Christian? It's me." Dylan leaned his forehead against the cool metal of the phone box.

"Dylan? Where are you? Do you know how worried I was? Do you know what I found? Give me the address I'll come g-"

Dylan cut Christian off, his head was pounding and Christians ongoing questions weren't helping at all.

Dylan gave him a rough idea of where he was, Christian hanging up with I'll be there soon. Dylan cursed, holding his head in his hands as he waited for Christian to arrive.


Dylan let out a long sigh as he dropped back on his bed. Christian had picked him up an hour ago, cursing at him for not only not coming home or telling him where he was but waking up to in his words drag his sorry ass home.

Dylan could tell there was something else though, he didn't know what but he could just sense the tension and Dylan knew that an early awakening wasn't the only thing that made Christian mad at him.

But what was it.

Dylan shrugged it off, deciding to get a few more hours of sleep.

Attempting to get comfortable, Dylan's eyes suddenly opened wide, a terror shaking within him as he suddenly sat up, looking around at his room, his worst fear suddenly coming true.

Christian had found the drugs.



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