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Christian sighed as he looked up at the gloomy sky. It was sad weather for a sad day. A day that shouldn't even exist in the first place.

Today, was an anniversary, an anniversary of a loss.

He could still remember her smile, the way her smile uplifted any kind of heavy atmosphere, Christian loved her smile. It was the kind that made you feel all gooey inside, butterflies erupting everywhere in your stomach.

She used her smile for the good of others, using it to make everyone else happy. She always put everyone above herself.

She was selfless.

Christian loved her eyes, the way they resembled the ocean. The were the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen, they captivated him to her.

Her voice was soft, Christian couldn't remember a time where she raised it, she wasn't the type to get angry at people, even when they deserved it.

Her hair was always kept short, she never liked it long because she didn't like the way it got caught on things or tangled up in a mess. It was a beautiful chocolate brown color that made her skin look as flawless as it always was.

She was everything, and yet now she's nothing but a memory, the past that people forget.

People told him to move on, that she wasn't worth his tears. He never believed peoples words, even when they told him that the love of his life was going behind his back, she isn't like that he would say.

Oh was he so wrong.

He didn't care, he felt that it was enough that she still cared for him, he loved her.

Even if she didn't love him back anymore, he would always love her.

"It's been a long time without you, my love." Christian sighed, clenching the flowers in his right hand as he read over the tombstone.

Eliana Rivers
Loving daughter and sister
May you Rest In Peace

Christian brought up his hand, brushing off some of the dirt that had fallen upon the tomb.

It had been 4 years since she died and Christian was still coming to terms with the fact. He had just graduated high school, she was a year older than him so she had already graduated but she ran up to him at the ceremony and planted a huge kiss on his cheek.

"I'm so proud of you!" She had gushed at him. She had the biggest smile on her face, the corners of him mouth following suite.

If only I had more time with you Christian thought. The phone call he had received a couple of months after that chilling him to the bone.

"I'm so sorry Christian." Her mother sobbed uncontrollably, it was hard to understand her from the way she was covering her mouth.

"We found her in her bathroom, she overdosed." She hiccuped, erupting back into tears.

Christian couldn't comprehend it at the time, he didn't see it coming, no one had. It was clear she hadn't told anyone about her internal struggles, closing herself off until she couldn't anymore.

Christian had just wished she would have talked to him. He felt as if he could have prevented it.

Looking down at his watch, Christian had realized how late it really was, taking one last look at the tombstone that had once been overwhelmed with flowers and gifts, now was mostly clear, a few old, decaying bouquets being the only things still there.

Christian then took his leave, knowing he would be back again next year when his heart permitted. A single thought ran through his head each time he came through here.

You had tried so hard to make everyone else happy, you forgot about yourself along the way.


"Bubba!" Lizzie exclaimed running up to her eldest brother when he had walked through the door, that rainy, thundery evening.

Christian grunted as he picked up, frowning when he could see dry tears stained on her face.

"What's wrong, baby?" He walked towards the living room, which was oddly empty.

Lizzie laid her head on his shoulder, sniffling slightly.

"It's scary outside." She complained, hugging him closer to her.

"I tried to calm her." Leon walked in the living room with a wet towel, crouching down in front of them and pulling Lizzies face out of Christians neck to wipe her face.

"It didn't work." He continued. "I think I just made it worse." Leon shuddered as he remembered her sobs as it rained loudly, lightning lighting up the sky and thunder booming.

"Where's everyone else?" Christian asked confused, Sawyer was working late hours and Dylan was left in charge of the three youngest.

"Dylan said he had to go somewhere, he was in a big hurry so I couldn't ask where he was going, he said he would be back right away but then the storm started." Leon continued to wipe Lizzies face. "Thomas is upstairs."

Now Christian was majorly confused, where did Dylan go that he had to leave his youngest siblings for so long?

As if on cue, Dylan pushed into the living room, clearly out of breath and tired, his eyes sweeping across the entirety of the room.

When his eyes landed on Christian, they widened.

"Oh shit." He breathed out.



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