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"Your a zombie!" Thomas screamed at Elizabeth as she leaned over the toilet. Dylan held her hair and rubbed her back as she vomited, telling her encouraging words.

"Thomas buddy maybe you should go sit in the living room with Leon." Dylan sighed, trying to help Elizabeth as much as he could while she emptied the contents of her dinner into the toilet.

Sawyer walked in, minutes later after running around like a headless chicken for the medicine Christian told him about over the phone.

Elizabeth leaned back against Dylan's chest, who cuddled her, trying to get as much warmth to her pale body as he could. The poor girl shivered as Sawyer held out a small cup filled with liquid.

Elizabeth's face turned in disgust at the sight of the liquid, turning her face into Dylan's chest.

"Baby you have to take the medicine, it'll make you feel better, cmon." Sawyer encourage. Elizabeth took one look into his eyes, pouted, then grabbed the cup of liquid in her tiny hands, putting it up to her lips and gulping its contents, a small groan emitting from her mouth shortly afterwards as she passed the cup back to Sawyer.

Dylan picked her up and clutched her to his chest, walking back into the living room.

"What do you thinks wrong with her?" He asked once she had fallen asleep in his arms.

Sawyer merely shrugged, rubbing a hand down his face as he sunk into the couch where the boys had been playing video games.

The door abruptly opened causing the rest of the siblings, well the older ones at least, to turn to the door.

There stood a flushed Christian, his face drenched with sweat as his cheeks had a faint pink coloration.

His clothes were disheveled and his hair was a mess causing both of his brothers to smirk at him.

"Ah, so your finally getting some." Sawyer put his hands behind his head, smiling smugly at his older brother.

Christian rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He shrugged them off, he looked at his two youngest brothers who were yelling at each other about the game they were playing, strings of insulting words coming out of their mouths.

Finally, his eyes landed on Elizabeth, her sleeping position similar to that of a fetus as she cuddled into Dylan's chest, a slight pout forming on her lips.

"How is she?" His gaze turned worrisome as he made his way to her, crouching down in front of Dylan so he could feel her temperature.

Sawyer sighed, putting his head in his hands.

"It's been the worst, she just got through throwing up a few minutes ago." He told him.

"How have they been with all this." Christian sighed gesturing to two boys. The attention was turned on them as they both screamed at the T.V.

Christian walked over to them, Leon saw him first, a smile uplifting to his lips as soon as he did.

"Chris!" He jumped up, embracing him in a hug.

"Hey buddy." He smiled, embracing him as well. Thomas stared at the pair, embracing Christian as soon as Leon let go of him.

"Why don't you guys go get ready for bed, I gotta deal with your sister." Christian smiled at them.

Thomas's face turned in disgust.

"She's turning into a zombie! She's pale and she keeps throwing up!" Thomas made a grossed out face to which Christian chuckled at.

Both boys ran up the stairs, trying to beat each other.

Christian sighed, returning his gaze to Lizzie who was still snuggled up to Dylan's warmth.

He held out his hands for her to which Dylan handed her to him, standing up and stretching his limbs as Christian tool her up presumably to his room.

"Thought you had something to do." Sawyer crossed his arms.

Dylan turned to him shaking his head.

"Plans got canceled." He shrugged, walking into the kitchen.

Sawyer got up to go to his room when a Message alert sounded on Dylan's phone.

Curiously, he looked over at it, his heart warming as he read the messages shared between Dylan and his friend.


4:24 P.M

-Hey dude, still coming to that party tonight?

Can't my sisters sick maybe next time-

-Damn dude Leahs gonna be there

Family's more important dude-
Yk that-

-Yh ig see you tmrw tho right?

Yh dude igtg tho-


He had canceled his plans for his family.



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