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   Deciding to change the topic so I don't say something else I shouldn't, I figure I will try to find out more about her. "So do you work or do you stay at home?" Lauren laughs the cutest laugh, "I work and I'm actually the principal at Alamo Vista High School. The same school you will be going to after spring break is over."  I'm a little confused so I ask "So this week is spring break?" Lauren nods "yes and we go back to school this coming up Monday. I am taking you shopping this week for clothes and supplies." I just sit there looking at her in disbelief over the fact that she is a high school principal and the principal at my new school. She just looks so young.

"What made you want to teach or well, be a principal?" I ask because I'm actually interested to know. "You really want to know?" Lauren asks me, a little shocked. I nod my head and smile. "Well, I love helping people, especially helping shape and inspire young minds. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in middle school. Originally I wanted to teach middle school after I graduated college but they needed a few high school teachers at Alamo Vista. So after teaching high school math for a little while the opportunity came up for the principal position so I applied and got it."

I smiled just watching Lauren talk. She saw me staring and said "what." I just shook my head and motioned for her to continue. "I know it's not exactly teaching but I do love it the same. This is my second year as principal." I smile more at Lauren because she is so passionate about her job. The way her eyes sparkle when she talks about something she is passionate about is amazing. She is truly an amazing person.

I laughed as I thought about something she said. "I get two spring breaks this school year. I just finished spring break in Pensacola when I had to come here." She laughs "well you got lucky I guess Kyler." I frown, "not really, I only had two months of school left and could have graduated with my friends. Now I get to graduate with no friends."

We sit in silence for a couple minutes. Lauren sighs, "I understand Kyler, it was all bad timing with everything but you will make friends here. You have nearly three months to make friends since school doesn't get out until June." I look at her with wide eyes and ask "so school doesn't end in May here?" She shakes her head and says "No Kyler, we go to school from September to June. June 18th is actually the last day of school but graduation is the 17th so your last day is the 17th."

I can't help but groan at this news. Lauren giggles and says "it will pass by quick sweetie and you will be graduating with new friends before you know it." Okay, I usually hate people using pet names but I actually like it from her. I get a warm tingly feeling when she does that. I hate that I have a month longer in school now but nothing can be done about that. No use in wondering about what could have been. However, I am wondering about Laurens age.

Lauren looks so young and I know you're not supposed to ask a woman her age but I want to know how old she is. Honestly she looks about 22 at the most. "I was definitely raised to know better and I know it's not nice to ask a woman's age but... how old are you?" She laughs at me then finally speaks. "You're right, it's not nice to ask but... I just turned 26 at the beginning of this month" she says.

Wow, I am shocked. She is nine years older than me but looks so much younger than that and she's a lot younger than Mike. She realizes the shocked look on my face and giggles which sounds so sexy but stops when I say "wow, you're so damn hot." Laurens face turns red as she just stares at me. I can't believe I blurted that out.

She finally clears her throat not acknowledging what I said and continues our conversation. "S-So Kyler, you turn 18 next week on the 22nd. Are you excited?"  I shrug my shoulders "not really much difference to be honest. There's only one good thing about being 18 really. Other than that, nothing will really be different." Lauren has a curious look on her face "what is the one good thing about turning 18?" I don't really want to answer that and wish now I didn't say anything. I'm not shy by any means but maybe it is a little weird talking to my...  Lauren, just Lauren because I just can't bring myself to call her my... step mom. But I feel so connected and comfortable with her. It's like we have known each other forever.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to answer that" I smirk. Lauren moves so her back is against the arm of the couch and stretches her legs out in front of her. Her feet are right at my legs now and she is just staring at me. I can tell she is trying to figure out what I mean. She nudges my thigh with her foot, "it can't be that bad Kyler so tell me. I want to know." She smiles at me and I swear my heart melts.

"I just don't want you to think badly of me or anything or it makes things weird between us or you hate me." In one swift move Laurens feet are on the floor and she moves towards me and leans forward placing her hand on my thigh. "You can tell me anything Kyler and it stays between us. Well, unless it's something that can harm you or others and... I could never hate you." She gives my thigh a light squeeze.

Looking directly in my eyes Lauren says, "listen Kyler, I know we just met and we're getting to know each other but... I feel... I feel like I've known you for a long time. I feel so comfortable talking to you and just being around you. It doesn't feel weird or forced, it just comes natural. I hope you feel the same way and know that you can honestly trust me. I am here for you and don't ever feel like you can't tell me something."

Looking in her eyes, I can tell she means every word she said. I look down at my thigh where Laurens hand is. I place my hand on top of hers and squeeze it. Smiling at her I say, "Thank you Lauren, for everything you just said and for...  everything. I feel the same way too. It's like I've known you my whole life and I do trust you. I'm glad we feel so comfortable with each other."

Releasing her hand I lean forward and lightly kiss Laurens cheek. I feel her squeeze my thigh then relax her hand as I remove my lips from her cheek. God she smells so good and that thigh squeeze... I think it affected her as much as it did me. After sitting back against the couch again, I notice her face is slightly flushed. Did that little kiss have an effect on her? "Are you okay?" She looks at me and just nods her head.

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