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   Lauren and I both just nod and quickly walk to the bedroom and get dressed. After she gets dressed she sits on the end of the bed and puts her head in her hands. I know she is freaking out about this situation because I am too but I'm trying not to show it for her sake. I need to assure her everything will be fine.

I slowly walk over to the foot of the bed and get on my knees in front of Lauren. I take her hands in mine "look at me Lauren." She lifts her head and I see her glossy eyes. "Hey babe, this is gonna be okay. Don't worry, I will make sure nothing happens, I promise you. I love you so much and don't forget that. Please don't get in your head and start doubting this. Don't doubt us, please."

I kiss Lauren's knuckles then stand up and pull her to her feet. I wrap her in a quick hug and kiss her cheek then lead her out of the bedroom holding her hand. Lauren has never looked this nervous or worried, not even when Julia found out about us. Well maybe when the superintendent was questioning us but that was understandable. I don't think my aunt will do anything harsh or unreasonable. At least I hope, I mean I just promised Lauren everything would be okay and I plan on keeping that promise.

As soon as we turn the corner and walk further into the living room Aunt Mary is staring at us. She looks down at mine and Lauren's entwined hands. As soon as Lauren sees where my aunt is looking she quickly let's go of my hand and steps away from me. I look at her trying to figure out what is running through that beautiful head of hers. Aunt Mary is sitting in the chair and that leaves the couch or love seat for me and Lauren. Lauren sits at one end of the couch so I automatically sit down beside her.

"Look Aunt Mary" I say but she cuts me off. "Kyler I want to know what is going on here. I hope it's not what it seems like. You better not be sleeping with your stepmother who also happens to be your principal." Damn, can she not let me talk before interrupting. "How do you know who Lauren is?" I ask. "Well if you must know Kyler, I checked out the school before you moved here. I wanted to make sure you would get the best education. Mike had told me his wife was the principal at your new school. I got on the school's website and saw Lauren's picture when checking the school out more."

"Okay, but before you want to jump to conclusions let me explain please Aunt Mary." She cuts me off "I will deal with you in a few minutes, first I'm talking to Lauren." Aunt Mary looks at Lauren "how could you?" She shakes her head "you were trusted with my niece, your stepdaughter and a student at your school. Did you seduce her? Did you force her to have sex with you so she would graduate? Do you prey on all the kids at the school?" I am getting pissed hearing my aunt ask Lauren all those questions.

"Hold on Aunt Mary, it's nothing like that." I say but she holds her hand up for me to be quiet. "I'm not finished Kyler so you can be quite," Aunt Mary says. "Lauren, what the hell is wrong with you? You are an adult and married to Kyler's father. Yes he is an asshole most of the time but he would not even stoop this low as to prey on a... child." I clench my fist hearing my aunts' words and it pisses me off even more when I glance at Lauren and I see the tears sliding down her cheeks. I reach out to wipe her tears but she moves away from my hand. This hurts me and pisses me off even more.

"Okay Aunt Mary, you can stop! I'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything but I'm not going to sit here and listen to you talk to Lauren like that and accuse her like she is some sort of predator. She did not seduce me and never forced me to have sex with her. I love her and I pursued her not the other way around. We love each other, we are in love and I'm not a child, I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. That includes who I date and who I have sex with."

I take a deep breath, "Also just so you know, she is not my stepmom. Her and my sperm donor are divorced and we didn't start seeing each other until after that. He was cheating on her so she left him. I live here with Lauren because he kicked me out for being a lesbian and because I told her about him cheating on mom and his second wife. I will admit I wanted her since I first met her. She kept trying to push me away after the divorce but I was persistent. Yes, we both had feelings for each other since we first met but never acted upon them." Aunt Mary cuts in. "So she got this apartment so she has a place to hide and sleep with you? That's what it sounds like." I stand up quickly trying to control my anger. "No, did you not just listen to anything I said!"

Lauren grabs my hand "Kyler don't! Please... just sit down." I shake my head as I glance at her. "Why should I Lauren?" Aunt Mary clears her throat as I sit back down beside Lauren. "Lauren did you think you could keep this a secret? I'm surprised the board hasn't found out about this yet." Lauren sighs "Mary please." Of course my aunt cuts her off. "Don't Mary please me Lauren. You're practically molesting my niece." I jump up again but before I say anything Lauren is on her feet glaring at my aunt. "Excuse me? How dare you say I'm molesting Kyler!" Lauren's worried face is gone and replaced with anger. "She's a child Lauren!" Aunt Mary yells. "No she is not, she is 18 and of consenting age." Aunt Mary stands up looking at Lauren. "Tell yourself what you want. Wrong is wrong and what you're doing is wrong."

I see the look in Lauren's eyes and she is pissed, even more than I am maybe. "You listen Mary, I didn't start this, Kyler pursued me. Yes, I had feelings for her but I always ignored them. You are not coming into my home and basically accuse me of raping her." Aunt Mary glares at Lauren "you're the adult. You are suppose to be the responsible one. You knew what was right and what was wrong but you went with it anyway. It doesn't matter if Kyler did pursue you. You should have said no and stuck to that. Seriously, how stupid can you be? I should report you to the school board!"

"Hold on." Lauren says. "I am far from stupid and you don't know anything about our relationship. Kyler tried explaining earlier but you chose not to actually listen. Yes, she was my stepdaughter and yes she is a student at my school. If I have done anything wrong, it is the fact I should have waited until Kyler graduated. But here we are. And you know what I wouldn't go back and change a thing about my relationship with her. I love Kyler. I love the way she looks at me. I love the way she touches me and I love the way she makes me feel. I've never felt anything like this. There has always been a magnetic pull between us. I love the way she loves me and I love the way I love her."

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