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   Both of our lips should be on fire from how fast Lauren broke away from the kiss. We both whip our heads around to see who came into the room. "Lila!" I yell as we both stare at my shocked best friend standing in the doorway. Lila looks back and forth between Lauren and I, "I... I um... I will just come back..." Lauren quickly stands and walks over to the door motioning for Lila to step further into the room then she shuts the door.

"I-It's fine Lila. What can I help you with?" Lauren asks as her voice cracks. "I um... I had a question about the study guide but I will figure it out." she says as her eyes are still switching between Lauren and I.

I stand up and walk over to Lila "you're not going anywhere yet." I say as I stand in front of the door. Lila glances at Lauren "I promise I will not say anything. But can I ask something?" Lauren nods her head for Lila to continue. She looks at me and Lauren "Um... what I saw... um..." She looks down then back up at me "you were um... you were kissing your stepmom..."

Lauren sternly says "sit down Lila." Lila sits on a desk as Lauren and I both sit down on the front edge of the teachers desk. Lauren says "I would imagine you have heard through the apparent rumor mill about me being divorced. With that being said Kyler is not my step daughter anymore." Lila nods her head yes but still has a confused look on her face. Lauren sighs, "you are Kyler's best friend here and I know she trusts you so I'm trusting you too... just please... do not tell anyone. Do you understand?"

Lila nods her head yes then says "so are you two... together?" I reach over and grab Lauren's hand and squeeze it. Lila glances at my hand holding Lauren's and says "can I ask how long you two have... you know, been together? Or are y'all even together? I mean you could just be having sex, really hot sex."

Lauren looks at Lila then looks at me and I just laugh. "For about a couple of months." I say but Lauren cuts in "we were not dating or... together, until after my divorce from Kyler's father. This happened afterwards." Lila nods her head in understanding but quickly stops and looks at me. "Is this why you got so mad at me for kissing your cheek and calling you baby in her office that time?" She asks.

Lauren quickly says "yes, it was. Unfortunately Mike contacted the superintendent claiming there was a sexual relationship between Kyler and I. We had just got together when that happened and Kyler was trying to get us, mainly me out of trouble. She was trying to protect me and my career."

Lila looks at Lauren "I'm sorry Mrs. Ad... I mean Ms. James. If I caused any problems between you two, I wasn't trying to. I did and still do actually have a girlfriend. I was trying to help Kyler even though I didn't know what was going on. Best friends should have each other's back no matter what."

"It's alright." Lauren whispers as she caresses my hand "we are fine so don't worry about it." I lean in and quickly peck Lauren's lips. We just stare, getting lost in each other's eyes as I slowly pull away.

Lila clears her throat "um... sorry, it's weird seeing you two like this but at the same time it's really hot." Lauren and I both turn our heads to look at Lila. "I mean, both of you are gorgeous and sexy and... wait I'm not hitting on either one of you. I'm just stating the obvious here. Ok, I need to shut up."

I smile as I look at Lauren, "I love her more than anything." Lauren smiles at me and whispers "and I love you too." We both hear "awww you guys are so cute" and we all start laughing. I slide off the front of the desk and walk up to Lila and hug her. "Thank you for being so cool about this and promising not to say anything. You don't have any idea how much I love her."

As I release the hug Lila says "yeah I do. I can see the way you look at each other and I'm happy for y'all." Lauren stands up "thank you Lila. Just please remember not to say anything. Now what did you need to ask about the study guide?"

Lila looks at Lauren for a minute "oh yeah, the study guide. Is this what the test is going to cover or just an idea of what could be on there?"

Lauren laughs "to be honest I'm not sure. This is what Ms. Smith had for today. I don't know why she waited until the day before the test to hand out study guides. Just study it and I will talk to her tomorrow. I will make sure if the test is different from the study guide, that the test will be graded on a curve." Lila smiles "okay that sounds good. I was surprised to see you as the sub today."

I can't help but laugh a little but quickly cover my mouth when Lauren gives me the look that basically says 'shut up'. "Well, I didn't have enough time to find a sub this morning because I ran a little late." She looks at me when she stresses the word late.

It's like it automatically clicks with Lila and she whisper yells "oh my gosh! You two were having sex this morning wasn't you. I saw the way Kyler was staring at you during class. I should have known something was going on between you two then."

I just shrug at both of them. What can I say, I love what I was looking at. Lauren happens to look at her watch "Kyler, why did you stay in here instead of going to class?" I wink at her "don't worry we're not doing anything in that class. You know I'm exempt from all my end of the year exams." She shakes her head "you still didn't need to cut class."

Lila starts to walk towards the door then turns around and opens her mouth. Before she can say anything I cut in "ok, I think that's enough talking about this here. We will talk about this later Lila." She nods her head and waves bye as she leaves and shuts the door behind her.

"Thank you for not freaking out when Lila walked in on us. I know I shouldn't have kissed you but I couldn't help it." Lauren smiles "you were not the only one at fault on the kiss. And I promised I would try not to freak out if someone finds out about us. I'm not going to lie, because it's hard but I'm trying to stay level headed."

Lauren sits back down at the teachers desk. "You should head home and I will see you in a couple hours." She says as she looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I grab my backpack then lean towards her and whisper "I love you." She smiles and whispers "I love you too, now go." I smile and leave so I can go home for the day.

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