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   It's been a week since my birthday and Mike and I seem to be getting along a little better. It doesn't make up for what he did years ago and not being there but I guess this is our fresh start.  He actually has been talking to me a little more than he was but not really talking to Lauren much. I don't know what's going on between them but I don't want him treating her like crap, she doesn't deserve that. Hell he doesn't deserve her at all in my opinion.

I overheard Lauren talking to him the other night about me. She seems to be encouraging him to try and repair our relationship. It makes me wonder if he would be trying with me at all if it wasn't for her. I wonder if he even wanted me to move here. He had to, right? I mean he is the one that called and informed me I was moving to San Antonio to live with him. Or did he do that because of Lauren? Maybe he doesn't want me here. Maybe him buying me the car was a way to try and buy my love and think that would make up for the past. Makes me wonder.

Since today is Saturday we decided to just have a chill day. Well, Mike decided for us to have a chill day together. He decides he wants to cook on the grill and spend time with us as a family. I am a little surprised since most Saturdays he is in his home office all day or he goes into work to finish last minute things. This actually seems nice.

We sit down to eat once Mike finishes cooking on the grill. We talk about random things over dinner then we all pitch in to clean the kitchen up and it is really nice to be doing this together. We actually seem like a family. Well I would rather have Lauren as something other than my... step mom... but I guess if that's the only way I can have her in my life it's better than nothing. We plan to watch a movie tonight to finish off our day together.

Lauren is fixing popcorn and Mike and I are in the living room waiting for her so we can start Isn't It Romantic. "Kyler is there any boyfriend I need to know about?" he asks as Lauren makes her way into the living room and sits beside him. "No, no boyfriend's." Looking over at Lauren she gives me a smile and nods like she is letting me know it's okay to tell him if I want to. "Well why not, you're a pretty girl? Maybe you will find a nice guy at school. Just know I have to meet him before you go anywhere with him though." He says. "Now you want to play father to me" I muttered under my breath so they didn't hear me.

"You don't have to worry about that, I've never had a boyfriend and never will" I tell him. "What's that suppose to mean?" He asks with a confused look on his face. "Because... I'm a lesbian." I say staring at him. Mike looks shocked at what I just told him. He looks at me with furrowed brows then glances at Lauren and back to me. "You have got to be kidding me." He says with anger in his voice.

"No I'm not joking and before you ask, I don't have a girlfriend either." I say. "I'm glad you don't have a girlfriend because that is wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself thinking you like girls. You haven't even given a guy a chance apparently so what makes you think you're a lesbian?" Lauren quickly says "Mike that's enough." He looks at her "did you know about this?" Lauren nods her head yes.

"I know I'm a lesbian because I'm only attracted to women." I tell him. Lauren tries to interrupt but Mike tells her to "be quiet" because it was a conversation he was having with his daughter. "Oh, so now I'm your daughter and don't talk to her like that, she's just trying to help calm you down." He cuts his eyes at me "I don't need calming down and you will find a boyfriend at school or somewhere around here. You will be in a straight relationship not a gay one."

Before I can say anything, Mike says "I'm not having a gay child! What did your mother do to you? You better not even think about making advances at my wife. I've seen the way you look at her. That explains the way you act around her sometimes. You think you can sleep with her don't you? She is mine! Do you hear me? She belongs to me!

"I'm not property Mike and she does not act a certain way with me." Lauren states with a harsh tone. Before she can say anything else he holds his hand up and yells "shut up Lauren." Lauren and I both look at him in shock at his outburst. "You better not be encouraging her to be a lesbian Lauren. I will not tolerate that from you. You are my wife and you better know your place in this house. I'm the one that makes the rules here and what I say is what goes. If I say Kyler will have a boyfriend then that's what will happen."

I can't believe him right now. He is acting like he doesn't even care about my feelings at all, especially thinking he can force me to have a boyfriend. "I will not have a boyfriend and will never be in a relationship with anyone for that matter." He looks at me with anger in her eyes. "What do you mean you will never be in a relationship?" he asks. "Well, you kind of helped ruin the relationship area after what you did to mom and then to your second wife. Yes, I heard about the second marriage. I honestly don't know what Lauren sees in you. She is such an amazing woman and you... you're just an ass." I say.

Lauren has a shocked look on her face. She apparently doesn't know what to do and just sits there frozen in place. I look at him again "You ruined our family because you couldn't keep it in your pants. Do you think I want to go through the same thing mom went through? I'm scared to be in a relationship because of what you did. I'm scared the same thing will happen to me okay. Mom wasn't good enough for you apparently even though she was an amazing woman so why would I be good enough for anyone."

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