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   We both completely freeze our movements and quickly turn our heads in the direction of the voice. Lauren and I are now staring at her parents and sister standing in the kitchen. "M-mom!" Lauren manages to say while still heavily breathing. Mr. David is turned away but breaks the silence and says "I'll be waiting outside until my daughter is... decent."

As he walks away shaking his head Julia clears her throat catching my attention and with a smirk says "you might want to take your fingers out of my sister." Lauren and I both look down at my hand and I quickly pull my fingers out and mutter "sorry."

Lauren's mom hasn't said anything else and is just standing there like she is in shock as I walk to the kitchen sink and wash my hands. Normally I would lick Lauren's juices off my fingers and I want nothing more than to taste her but I don't think that's a good idea right now.

Lauren gets off the counter pulling her dress down and asks "m-mom, w-what are y'all doing here?" Mrs. Jessica is just staring at me and Julia finally says "well you had asked me at lunch if we would pick up Kyler's graduation cake and bring it over after the ceremony. That was why you gave me a spare key after all. We didn't find y'all after Kyler's little stunt so we just left to go pick up the cake."

I stay over by the sink waiting to see what happens. Why did we have to get interrupted? I swear her family has bad timing. Lauren runs her hand through her hair, sighs and says "I forgot about that. Why didn't y'all knock instead of just barging in? It was obvious that I was here because my car is out there. Did y'all ever stop to think that maybe I was preoccupied?"

Julia starts laughing and says "preoccupied is one way of putting it. We did knock and apparently you did forget about the cake because otherwise Kyler would not have been knuckle deep in you fucking your brains out on the kitchen counter. I have to admit though seeing her in action..."

Mrs. Jessica slaps Julia on the arm "language Julia and please... just shut up. You're not helping the situation.

I want to laugh at Julia but decide against it since Mrs. Jessica is still looking at me. I can't even look her in the eyes as I walk towards the kitchen doorway but I turn and glance at Lauren "hey babe, let's go change then go sit in the living room."

Lauren and I go to our bedroom and change into shirts and shorts as Mrs. Jessica goes to the living room and Julia steps to the door to get their dad.

Once we are all in the living room sitting down Mrs. Jessica says "I-I don't think I can ever unsee what... Kyler was doing to you and I-I just can't believe you Lauren. I really did not think you would do something like this."

Lauren looks at her mom with furrowed brows "what do you mean mom?"

Mrs. Jessica shakes her head "being a lesbian all of a sudden is one thing. I was shocked when you told us but I can accept it because it doesn't matter who you love. I honestly didn't think you would have any type of... sexual relationship with a kid though. You are smarter than this Lauren. Having that type of relationship with a kid is not acceptable and it's against the law. Why not find a woman close to your own age if you want to... do that? Find a 21 year old if you want someone younger, at least they would be an adult. I just don't know what you were thinking letting her do that to you."

Lauren starts to talk but her mother cuts her off. "It's wrong and disgusting Lauren because she is a kid. Are you that desperate for that type of attention?"

What the fuck! I can't believe what Mrs. Jessica is saying. She seemed fine the other day but now she's not because we were having sex. I grit my teeth and harshly say "You can stop talking to Lauren like that and I'm not a kid! I don't have to be 21 to have sex with your daughter. Legal consenting age is 18. You just said it doesn't matter who you love but contradict yourself right after because of my age even though you already knew I was 18."

Lauren grabs my hand and caresses the top of it "calm down Kyler. Look mom," Lauren says with a sigh "Y'all seemed fine a few days ago and knew she was 18 so I don't know why it's a big deal now. Kyler is not a kid. She is an adult and may only be 18 but she is of legal..."

Before Lauren can continue her dad jumps in. "It's a big deal because your having sex with an 18 year old. A few days ago we didn't think you were doing something that stupid. Lauren, risking your job to date a student was one thing but to have a sexual relationship with a student is even worse."

Lauren shakes her head then yells "enough." Everyone gets quiet and looks at her. "Mom and Dad, I love you both and I want y'all in my life but you two can listen to what I have to say. Yes, Kyler was my stepdaughter, a student at my school, is only 18 and yes we have sex." Lauren looks at me and bites her lip then says "amazing sex."

Her face turns red because I don't think she meant to say the last part out loud. Both her parents are looking at her with wide eyes but she continues. "I-okay, you two can get over all of this and support me and my relationship with Kyler or I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I look at the love of my life and I'm so proud of her for standing up for us. I grab her hand and lace our fingers together. Lauren smiles and squeezes my hand.

"Mom, dad, both of you have always told me and Julia that y'all want us to be happy. Well this is me being happy. This is the happiest I've ever been and it's all because of Kyler. I will not apologize for my relationship with her and I definitely will not apologize for having sex with her. I will apologize that y'all happen to walk in on us buts that's it."

Stern Lauren is so fucking hot and I want her so bad right now. I lean over a kiss her cheek as she continues to talk. "It's up to the two of you if you want to be a part of my life which includes Kyler. If you do then this is the very last time we talk about this. Period!"

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