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    Lauren sighs as she steps in front of Julia putting her hands on her sister's shoulders. "I love you Julia and if the situation was reversed I would be here for you and support you. I hope that you can do the same thing for me. If you can't... then report me to the school board if that's what you want to do. I will not lose Kyler and I have already told her I would choose her any day over my job because that is how much I love her."

Lauren is talking to Julia in her stern principal voice and let me just say, hearing her talk in such an authoritative tone is so damn hot. She is so sure of herself and so sexy and it's a major turn on. My eyes roam Lauren's body from head to toe and I wish Julia would just leave so I can have my way with Lauren. "Oh my gosh Kyler, can you please quit eye fucking my sister." Julia's outburst snaps me out of my stare down with Lauren's body. Lauren looks back at me with a smirk on her face before turning back to her sister. "Look, this is real Jules whether you want to believe it or not. I have never felt like this, ever."

Lauren drops her hands from Julia's shoulders and walks over to me. Before she can sit down I pull her down so she straddles my lap and I kiss her with need. The kiss turns into a hungry kiss and my body automatically reacts to her closeness as I slip my hands inside the bottom of her robe rubbing her outer thighs. I rub my hands up to her waist then down to her ass and grab a hold of her ass and give it a hard squeeze. Lauren moans into our kiss and I pull her into me more and I can feel the heat from her pussy through my sweats.

I could take her right here and now until I hear a throat clear. We instantly break our heated kiss and Lauren turns to look at her sister. Julia looks away "I don't need to see you two fuck each other to prove anything. I'm sorry Lauren, okay. I wasn't trying to be a bitch about the whole thing but this is a dangerous situation you're in and this type of behavior is so unlike you. I just don't want to see you get hurt or lose your job over this. Something you worked so hard for. What would mom and dad think? Do they know about your divorce?"

Julia walks back to the loveseat and sits down. "Look Lauren, Kyler is 18, she has never been in a relationship before from what you've told me and now that she is, she claims to love you. How can you be sure she even knows what love is? When I was 18 I sure didn't know what love was. I'm worried for you Lauren. I don't want you to get hurt again when she suddenly finds someone her own age and leaves you. Plus you just came out of a five year marriage... to a man."

I move Lauren off my lap so she is sitting beside me and I hold her hand. Before Julia can continue, I stop her. "Julia, I understand your concerns but I promise you I will never intentionally hurt Lauren. I love her too much and it would kill me." I bring Laurens hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles. "I honestly believe I loved Lauren before I ever met her. If I could have met her before she married Mike I would have..." And I stop talking, realizing what I was about to say.

"You would have what?" Julia asks. I look at her "I was going to say I would have done anything to keep them from being together. However, I realized if I would have done that, then I possibly would have never had Lauren in my life. So I guess I'm glad they were married because it brought Lauren and I together and I can't imagine my life without her. I am honestly so thankful for having met her and very thankful and honored that she loves me."

Lauren squeezes my hand and I look back at her. Looking in her eyes I am overtaken with emotion. "Lauren is my dream, my wish and my fantasy. She's my everything and I want to be her hope, her love and everything she needs. I love her more everyday and I never thought it was possible to love someone so much but I'm truly, madly and deeply in love with her." Lauren has a few tears running down her face. I release her hand and cup her face. Using both thumbs I wipe her tears and lean in placing a loving kiss on her lips. "I love you."

We hear a little sniffle and both look at Julia sitting on the loveseat. She wipes her eyes as she laughs "Kyler you definitely have a way with words, that was beautiful." We sit in silence for a few minutes until Julia says "I guess when I take time to notice, I can see...  you truly love each other and not just from you two sucking each other's face and nearly fucking in front of me. I can see it in the way you look at each other and in the way you talk about each other."

Lauren and Julia both stand at the same time and embrace each other in a big hug. "I'm happy for you Lauren and sorry for sounding like a bitch. I love you and want you to be happy and I guess I can see that Kyler does that." Lauren smiles "I love you too Jules and thank you." Julia releases the hug and turns towards me motioning for me to come there. I walk over to her and she pulls me into a hug.

While hugging me she says "I'm sorry for doubting you Kyler. Thank you for making my big sister happy and loving her. Just please don't hurt her." I pull away from the hug and grab Laurens hand "thank you Julia and I don't plan on hurting her." I lean in and kiss Laurens beautiful lips. She grabs my hips and kisses me back trying to deepen the kiss until Julia interrupts. "Okay enough sucking face. Is that all the two of you do? Lauren, at least you turned lesbian for someone sexy. I'm not gay but as I said before, if I was I would be gay for Kyler too." We laugh and say "no" at the same time.

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