Chapter 66

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Word count: 3,254

I picked her up causing her to let out a squeal. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I placed my lips over hers and she pulled away quickly.

"Put me down, put me down!" She said in a panicked tone as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth. She loosened her her legs from around me. I let her go and she ran in the bathroom. I followed her concerned and confused as she rushed in. She opened the toilet and kneeled on the floor throwing up.

I rushed over to her and kneeled down next to her. I gathered her hair up and grabbed a hair tie that sat on the sink and put it in a ponytail as she threw up the food we ate not even an hour ago.

I rubbed her back, Her retching began to quiet down as fluids stopped coming up.

I helped her up and wiped her mouth with a piece of tissue and threw it in the toilet and flushed. I pulled her into my chest wrapping my arms around her and kissed her forehead, "How are you feeling now? Do you feel better? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

She pulled away from me and walked over to the sink. She grabbed her toothbrush and turned the water on.

She shook her head, "No I was just nauseous. Maybe it's because you picked me up too quickly." She said as she put toothpaste on her brush after running water on it.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. I always pick her up unexpectedly because I like the little surprised squeals she makes.

Maybe it was something she just ate. Maybe I shouldn't be worried. It's not serious enough to go to the hospital.

She walked over to me and stood on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on my lips, "I'm okay." She assured me.

I turned the bathroom light off and walked back in the bedroom. "Maze texted you." Isabella said from the bed.

Her and Nasir were still together. He still lives in the house with the rest of the guys and Kenzie but he isn't with the gang anymore. He still does searches on people when I need him to but he no longer does hands on jobs with us. I knew he was upset about it. A few days ago when they first told me they were together I told him he won't be involved with what we do.

"Rio can we talk? I know you're upset. You have every right to be and I shouldn't have went behind your back. I know how much you love and try to protect her." Nasir said. I was only here to pick up Emma's stuffed animal she left the day we stayed here.

"There's nothing to talk about Nasir. The only reason I haven't fucked you up is because of her." I said to him while lifting the pillows of the couches up searching for the stuffed bunny.

He was quiet but I could still feel his presence here.

"Rio I care about her a lot. I'll look after her I can promise you that-"

I cut him off, "You won't be doing anymore hands on work for me. If I need you to search for anything i'll let you know. But you don't work for me anymore."

I stood up straight once I finished searching the sofa for the bunny finding it stuffed between the creases of the couch. Nasir still stood there not knowing what else to say. There was nothing else to say.

"Rio i'm good at what I do. I understand what I did and i'm lucky to be alive. But don't kick me out of the gang.."

I scoffed, "You don't get it do you?" I looked over at him for the first time. Even though I was breaking the news to him that he won't be doing anything for me anymore; going on runs for me, doing trades for me, watching people, everything he did he would no longer be doing and I still didn't see a hint of regret.

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