Chapter 81

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Did y'all see Robert Jumper aka Eddy in good girls making fun of Manny in his instagram story? The show ended because of drama, sad to see it go.

Chapter 11 has some changes made to it so if the word casino confuses you, go back and read.

Word count: 6,004

She was exactly how I still imagined her to be Lacey was gorgeous, very gorgeous but I still never once felt a connection with her. But I wasn't even attracted to her anymore, not even sexually. It truly was just sex. She was a friend, easy to get. We both were easy for each other. I should've known Isabella was upset the moment she asked me about her and I told her no one. She left the room, but I was so caught up with the phone call with Lacey that I didn't realize.

She said she called and asked Maze. That explains why Maze called me that day telling me not do fuck anything with Isabella up.

Not to be my 'old self' she said.

Other than that time with Bailey, I've never seen Isabella act this way. She was short spoken with Lacey when I introduced them. I could tell she was jealous, but she had no reason to be. There's no one i've ever met as beautiful as her. But fuck the looks. There's no one I've ever felt about the way I feel about Isabella.

I understand why she's upset with me. She asked about Lacey when she saw those phone calls. If I would've just told her, she wouldn't be upset with me. But I didn't want her worrying about an old fling, especially while we were enjoying ourselves.

"Is she mad at you?" I heard my sister from behind me.

I sipped the rest of the brown liquor, "Yeah." I answered.

"You know, she texted me while you two were on vacation it was not long after she called me asking about Lacey. She said you deleted the messages between you two. Rio what the fuck is wrong with you? You picked perfect timing for her to question her trust for you. You just got engaged!" she lectured me.

"I know, I know. I thought I was helping us." She checked my messages? I understood it though. If some guy called her over five times and I asked who he was and she told me no one, I'd be curious too.

"Helping? You're so stupid sometimes," she let out a sigh.

"I didn't answer Lacey's calls because I was showering. Isabella saw them. Lacey texted me, flirting as she always did. She didn't know I was with Isabella. I told her immediately and she respected it and asked for a place to stay until she finds somewhere. Her and her boyfriend broke up. The only reason I deleted the messages is because she was an old fling and the texts were flirtatious. I also don't have any women in there besides you and Isabella. I wanted to keep it that way." I explained.

"Then go say that to her." Kenzie said.

"I will, when she lets me." I replied.

"Well, let me know if you need anything. I'm going out with Eve." she said.

I raised my eyebrow. Now it was my turn to meddle into her relationships, "You two a thing again?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No. Just friends."

I let out a laugh, "You know most exes can't stay friends. I don't see you two staying friends." I knew how much Kenzie cared about her, they were together for years. "You never told me what happened with you two," I said.

"We just drifted apart. We both thought it would be best if we broke up. But I've been spending some time with her lately and.." she trailed off.

"You still like her," I finished for her.

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