Chapter 57

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Word count: 1,567

"We miss you. We wanna come home." Isabella said over the phone. I sighed, I missed her a lot, I got use to waking up to her every morning. "I miss you more baby. I'm doing the best I can. I just want you and Emma safe." I replied. She was quiet for a minute, yet again for like the fourth time since we been on the phone. "Is there something bothering you?" I had finally asked.

"We need you down there, she wants to speak to you." Cesar said and I nodded.
I made my way to the basement door. "You're always talking about protecting us. I'm not scared of anybody coming for us, I'm scared for you. Who's going to protect you?" She sounded like she was crying. Making her cry were not my intentions. I just wanted to hear her voice. It's been four days since they left.

"Isabella, It's my Job. I'll be fine. I'm always careful and I have my guys," I sighed. There wasn't anything else to say. She had a reason to be scared, I knew that. I hated how much I worried her, it wasn't good for her at all. Sometimes I think about what if I met Isabella a different way. What if I met her without kidnapping her and made me fall for her and I never let her know about my lifestyle, she wouldn't worry then. She wouldn't be scared. She wouldn't know her life was constantly in danger and Emma's.

"You getting shot wasn't careful," She was quiet again for a minute and I heard sniffles.

I made my way down to the basement. "Baby.." I sighed, "I know you're worried but-"

"Promise me you'll be careful then. Promise me nothing will happen to you." She spoke up again. I sighed again, pinching the bridge of my nose. I didn't say anything. I didn't promise her anything because I knew I couldn't.

"Baby I'm sorry-" I heard the beeping of the phone, she hung up. This was emotionally draining both her and me.

I slipped my phone in my pocket. Everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to tell them what to do. I walked towards Bailey and ripped the tape from her mouth, she stares at me and remained silent. I untied her because she wouldn't try anything. She thought she was too manipulative to get out of situations by running or fighting, especially with me.

"Now Bailey, you're going to tell me what they've sent you here to do." I asked the insider did he have any idea what Bailey's plan was but he said no. That he and Bailey barely had any interactions and Mateo's gang never mentioned a plan involving her.

"They didn't send me here Rio." She cried out.

"The truth is, i've been watching Cesar." She looked over at him. "It's pretty hard finding you," She turned back looking at me. "I figured If I watched him I would find you, but you guys are hardly ever together unless it's business and I couldn't say anything to you when you're dealing or on a mission. Then I finally followed Cesar to this house. You two were like this," She crossed her fingers. "I guess that Is my fault though. I fucked everything up. I fucked what I had up with you, I fucked you and Cesar's relationship up." Tears fell from her eyes. She genuinely looked sorry. Like she was pleading for me to show I somewhat still cared for her. She always was good at that. Always knew exactly how to get what she wanted from me, how to make me feel bad, how to get me to say yes and I gave her what she wanted every single time.

I looked over at Eddie and he had a irritated look on his face. Like there was trash here bothering him so much he needed to get rid of it. He will always be my brother. He protected me like one, helped me like one and cared for me like one. I knew what he was thinking, why he was so irritated. He had grown fond of Isabella, he liked her they were pretty close from what i've seen and he dates her sister. He got along with her and knew she was good for me. He was afraid Bailey did it yet again. That she made me believe her sack of shit. But I didn't. I'm no longer that guy I was before.

"I guess you did. You know I would have to kill you for finding this house?" I sat down on a chair in front of her. "Oh how long I have been waiting for this talk." I smiled and looked at Cesar and gestured him to come over. He began making his way, "No, bring a chair over and have a seat brother." I stopped him. He made his way over and sat down.

"So, there's some things i've been meaning to ask since it happened," I grinned at the both of them. Bailey looked terrified. They both sat in silence.

"Who made the first move?" I looked at the both of them.

"Rio, maybe you shouldn't be doing this, you know how you are." Nasir said.

I looked over at him, "Don't tell me what I should be doing." I diverted my attention back to Cesar and Bailey, "Any of you care to share?"

"I did," Cesar answered. I just nodded.

"And when I caught you two, was that the first time?" I asked again. Bailey shook her head, avoiding eye contact. I stood up out of my chair and grabbed Bailey's face, pushing her against the wall and forcing her look at me. "So when I fucked you, there were times my brother had his dick in you too?" I shouted. She flinched and continued sobbing. "Answer me!" I shouted again, she flinched again and she nodded.

I let her go. "Why?" I questioned waiting for at least one of them to speak up. I was over the situation. I didn't care about or love Bailey anymore. But I needed to know why.

"We fell in love." Cesar answered, "It wasn't on purpose Rio. It just happened." Love. I let out a dry chuckle, "Oh Cesar. Poor Cesar, Bailey didn't love you." I said and he looked over at her and she looked across the room and I could see the same hurt in his eyes I had and I loved it, "She only cares about herself."

My phone began ringing, I pulled it out, it was Isabella. I definitely wasn't missing this call, she's mad at me I honestly thought she wouldn't call back. "Don't anyone utter a fucking word," I warned. "Vincent put tape on her mouth and hold her."

I answered, "Hey baby, Sorry I couldn't call back i'm working."

"Daddy!" I heard Emma's little voice.
I smiled, "Hey monkey, how are you?"
"Ken phone died," She said and I smiled. She calls Kenzie Ken.

"So you you're on mommy's?"

"Yeah," She said and mumbled some other words I couldn't understand.

"I miss you baby, you'll see Daddy real soon, where's your mommy?"

"She go nini." She answered and I chuckled. I know Isabella wasn't sleep, she just probably didn't want to talk to me.

"Well monkey, Daddy has work. I'll talk to you later, tell mommy to call me when she wakes up." I said.

"Bye bye Daddy."

"Bye monkey." I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

I gestured for Vincent to let her go. "Is that Zoë?" She whispered. "You've been here for some time and this is your first time asking about her." I said.

She sighed, "I'm sorry for leaving you and her. I see you have a girlfriend, a family now."

"Zoë's dead. She died a year after you left." I shook my head, "Here's what you're going to do. Since you came here to try and make a deal, you're going to lead me to where they're staying, I'm going to end this for good, deal?"

"Rio, please don't make me do this. I'll have nothing or no one if you make me give you their location, you'll kill them all." She pleaded.

"I think you fail to realize Bailey, I don't give a fuck about anything that involves you. Not anymore. If you don't do this, i'll have Eddie kill you or I will." I said. She looked away not saying anything else, "Now are you starting to realize coming here wasn't a good Idea?" I said to her not expecting an answer.

"Let's get ready." I said.

"After I lead you to them and you kill them, what are you going to do with me? Are you going to still kill me?" Bailey asked with a shaky voice.

"I'm not going to do anything. I keep my promises, you can go your own ways." I said while loading my clip.

"But I stayed there, I don't have any money or anywhere to stay." She said.

"And I told you I don't give a fuck about anything that involves you." I replied looking her in her eyes. "Now I would like to hurry this up because I miss my girlfriend and daughter that aren't home due to your friends."

"I'm glad you're happy, Rio." She said.

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