Chapter 74

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Word count: 1,655

Rio hadn't came home yet. I had sort of gotten used to it since he did it five nights in a row, tonight making six. I had an idea of where he was. He wasn't far.

The first few days he started coming home piss drunk it scared me and it hurt to see him that way. Sometimes he'd actually come in, knocking everything over and breaking things by accident. The first night he came home completely wasted he just grabbed me and held me until he fell asleep. I hated how I thought he would hurt me knowing he would never. But it was instinct to protect myself. Especially around a drunk. That was usually when Brian was the most cruel. He was still mean when he was sober but some days i'd be lucky and get a nice Brian.

But then there were nights where Rio didn't even make it to the loft. I'd call his phone and he wouldn't answer. The first day he didn't come home I got dressed to drive to Gemma's and I called Eddie who had no clue where he was. On my down the stairs to exit the loft with Emma, I saw him in the hallway where the exit is on the stairs passed out. "Why's daddy here?" she asked. I called Eddie and he came over and helped Rio in the loft. Then it became a routine day after day.

I grabbed the keys and left the loft. I locked it because Emma was in her room asleep. I made my way down the hall. I carefully made my way down the slippery stairs. It probably wasn't a good idea to not put on any shoes. I was still a little sore but it was better. The pain lingered but it wasn't as intense. I could walk better. My leg was bruised badly and I landed on it wrong when I was pushed down the steps.

I got to the end of the stairs and turned where there were more and there he was. He was on the steps with his head resting on his arms sound asleep. I let out a sigh and sat on the stairs next to him. I ran my fingers through my hair as I rested my head in my hands, my knees supporting my elbows.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Eddie. He picked up on the second dial, "Again?" He spoke into the phone.

"Yeah," I said barely above a whisper.

"I'll be right over." He said.

"I'm really sorry Eddie," I apologized.

"You're fine Bella. Rio's my brother and you're like a sister to me. I told you it's no problem." He replied.

I nodded and he spoke again before I could reply, "I'll see you in ten." He hung up.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and looked over at Rio. A small smile made its way to my face as he slept peacefully. Or at least it looked like he did. I slid over closer and lifted his head up and slid under it and let it rest on my lap.

I could wake him up but he was probably too drunk to walk up the stairs by himself and I couldn't help him up with how weak I was. Even if I wasn't in the condition I am I probably still wouldn't be able to help a drunk six foot one man up the stairs.

It was a little over ten minutes when Eddie walked in the door of the stairwell. He looked over at us and he let out a sigh as his eyes met mines. He looked at me sympathetically, "Go on up Bella. I got him." He told me. I hesitantly nodded and slid his head off my lap gently.

"Rio!" Eddie said his name loudly as I stood up.

"Gemma's worried about you." He said.

"Tell her i'm fine." I replied.

He shook Rio harshly, "You know Gemma. She's not going to believe it until she sees you."

"Rio! Wake the fuck up man." I only nodded even though he couldn't see me since his attention was focused on Rio. I decided to wait and I would follow them up.

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