Chapter 73

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Word count: 2,168

"Come on lets go to the hospital." I said to Isabella.

"I already went." She pulled away from me and carefully sat on the couch.

"Do you want to go the loft? You need rest." I sat next to her. She buried her face in my chest and nodded.

Eddie and Gemma came out of the back where her and Jocelyn's old room is. Gemma placed her hand on Isabella's back and rubbed.

She sat on Eddie's lap who sat in the chair.

"What is he doing here?" I directed my question to Eddie.

Kenzie came out of one of the rooms, "Emma's asleep. I'm sure she can't wait to see you." She looked at Isabella.

Isabella sniffled before lifting her head from my chest and nodded.

"Noah helped Bella escape." Eddie said answering my question.

"And how did he find her?" No way he was able to find her before I could. He was just some boy from the u.k.

"Noah was there. He came down in the basement I was staying in and he brought me home." Isabella said.

I looked down at her. She looked exhausted. "Why was he there though?" I asked again.

She sat up, "He's like Holden's boss. Well his dad is Holden's boss and so Holden listens to him." She explained.

I shook my head in disbelief, "I knew he wasn't who he says he is. I knew it from the moment he came here."

Eddie nodded, "And you got mad at me for that." He said to Gemma.

"Well he was my best friend. I didn't expect him to be completely lying about his identity. Is his real name even Noah?" She gasped.

"He isn't lying about anything. He's who he says he is. He didn't want to work for his dad." Isabella defended.

"I'd rather be present if i'm going to be the topic." I heard that annoying british accent.

I stood up glaring at him, "If Bells wasn't stressed enough i'd fucking hurt you."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah except she wouldn't let you do that."

I fucking hated him. I didn't want him around Isabella. It was clear he had feelings for her and I especially didn't want him around her now that it's confirmed he's gang affiliated.

I chuckled angrily, "If I were you i'd keep quiet."

"I've never did anything to you. Even though I have a reason to hate you, that isn't the reason." He said.

"Yeah because I would've whooped your soft ass if Isabella wasn't there." I said.

"Nah I don't like you because you don't deserve her. I mean look at her. All of this is your fault. She lost a baby because of you." He said. I walked over to him quickly and my fist collided with his jaw.

Gasps and yells were heard throughout the room and I felt hands wrap around both my arms, "Rio let the guy explain himself. This is no good for Bella right now and he could know where Holden is." I heard Eddie.

I nodded and he let me go.

"You lost the baby?" Kenzie asked.

"Stop fucking mentioning it. It's clear she doesn't want to talk about it." I said angrily.

"And you," Eddie pointed at Noah, "Stop antagonizing him because next time I won't stop him. And stop blaming Rio he has no clue who Holden is."

"I'll fucking deal with you later bitch." I said to Noah, "I'm taking Isabella home."

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