Chapter 54

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Word count: 1,430

I watched her as her eyes lit up at every little thing. It made me happy to see how happy she is. I can still remember the amount of pain I always saw in her face when I first met her.

We looked around downstairs in the living room, then to the kitchen and she loved it before we even made it upstairs. "As you see it's all furnished but we can make some changes if you don't like any." I said behind her as she excitedly made her way upstairs.

"I love it!" She squeaked.

I kissed Emma's forehead and grabbed Isabella's hand leading her to show her Emma's room. I walked in, "Look Em, your new room." I said and put her down as she squealed. She ran towards all the stuffed animals. I smiled at the sight and turned to look at Isabella. She had tears slipping from her eyes, "Baby." I said softly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she rested her head against my chest.

"I'm just overly happy. I love you. I love it, lets move in together." She said and a wide smile spread its way across my face.

"I love the sound of that, let's finish looking around." I said and gave Emma one more glance, she took everything out playing with everything new she saw.

I plopped down on the bed and pulled Isabella on top, straddling me. "And this is our room." I said.

She began to get off my lap, "Where you going?" I whine, wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her to lay on top of me. She pecked my lips and giggled, "I wanna finish looking around the room. Mainly I want to see the closet." She said and I only chuckle releasing her from my hold.

She ran off to finish looking around. I'm tired as hell. I stayed up all last night working and didn't sleep, I went to buy furniture this morning, getting the house together all day.

"We have a bathroom in our room!" I heard her say from the bathroom. Then she came out.
"We need to start packing let's go." She said excitedly.


"Rio," I heard Bella and felt her shake me lightly. I groaned annoyedly, It felt like I had barely got any sleep. "Your phone's blowing up and Eddie called me asking about you, I told him you were sleeping and he told me wake you up." She said.

I sat up from our new bed and searched around for my phone grabbing it quickly checking it. I had numerous texts and missed calls. We found them. I stood up and threw on my hoodie.

"We found the guys who hit the warehouse I told you about, I have to go." I said and kissed her, "Be careful, I love you." She said after pulling away from the kiss. "I love you."


"Damn how far did you take them out?" I said to Eddie and sighed.
I heard him chuckle in front of me, stopping unexpectedly causing me to bump in front of him.

He laughed at me, "Man you look like shit."
"Shut up and finish walking," I said and slapped him in the back of his head.
As we got closer I saw Nasir, Cesar and two men tied up on their knees. "I finally see the famous brothers in person." I started down at them. "Alex and Alec Torres." I smiled at them, "I'll admit it took a bit of time to find you, but I had already found out your names. So, which one is Alex?"

They remained silent, they looked so young. One looked at least 20. "I'm Alec." The younger one spoke since Alex didn't.

"How long were you guys watching us?" I asked. They had to be watching us to get the location to one of our warehouses.

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