Chapter Four: Trouble Brewing

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"Whoa, hoa hoa hoa that water is c-c-cooooold but Victory is sweet! Nice job, Sleuther!" Dagur fist-pumped the triple-strykes' claw

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"Whoa, hoa hoa hoa that water is c-c-cooooold but Victory is sweet! Nice job, Sleuther!" Dagur fist-pumped the triple-strykes' claw.

After falling into the ocean they all swam to the same beach and shook off. Toothless marched up to Dagur like an angry parent.

"Hey, boy, it was nothing personal we just didn't want to see you eat that guy. Remember? You and I are friends. I- I saved Hiccup. Twice!" He backed into the safety of his dragon. A guilty Sleuther braced for impact.

Toothless got up in Dagur's face and let out an ear-splitting roar.

He snorted and walked away.

"WOW. You my friend, have anger issues."

"Dagur!" Hiccup and Heather flew down on Windshear, who was back to her normal self. Hiccup held Toothless' manual tail. "Are you alright?"


"Where's Alvin?"

"Hiding under his bedsheets," I said as Stormfly landed. "Don't worry, he's all in one piece. And nobody else is hurt."

"How about the fires?"

"Snotlout and Fishlegs are putting them out." I dismounted. "Hiccup, what happened??"

"I don't rightly know. Gobber and I were in the Hall, settling the farmer's cases. Alvin was there, and Toothless just lost it." He turned to his dragon, sulking on the other side of the beach. "Toothless," Hiccup groaned.

"Astrid, I better tell him," Heather said.

"Tell me what?" Hiccup looked from Heather to me.

"WE KNEW TOOTHLESS HAD GONE AWOL." Dear, completely insensitive Dagur blurted out.

"Now wait just a second. Yes this was bizarre and totally out of the blue and dangerous but give him some slack, guys! He's always had a good reason for acting up in the past." The Chief thought for a second. "What do you mean 'you knew'?"

"Toothless has been raiding, Hiccup," Heather said as gently as she could.

Valka and Couldjumper flew down to us. CloudJumper joined our conversation, Valka went over to Toothless.

"What?? No." Hiccup exclaimed. "That can't be."

"The southern villages have been complaining of Night Fury attacks on their farms and their animals. I didn't believe it at first, but then I saw him flying away from one of the villages, he wouldn't even look at me when I called his name."

"Impossible. He would never do such a thing. Toothless is gentle at heart; he doesn't look for trouble."

"Well, what happened today was impossible, too."

Hiccup thought for a minute. "Maybe you saw a different dragon, a night wraith, or even a black wooly howl can look like a Nightfury at a distance."

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