Chapter Five: Back in the Saddle

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True to his word Hiccup was up before dawn

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True to his word Hiccup was up before dawn.

I awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon.

My eyes popped open. There was my husband, Chief of Berk, handing me breakfast in bed.

"Alright, what's the catch?" I demanded, eyeing the delicious strips of meat.

"Catch? No catch. Why would you think there's a catch?"

I took the plate out of his waiting hands. Oooohhhh Valhalla on a platter. How come I can't cook like this??

"Here, try this," He handed me a cup.

I took a slurp and almost choked.


"You don't like it?"

"Sweetie, that stuff is disgusting." I felt better about my own cooking again.

Hiccup took my cup and drank from it. "It's tea. Tastes good to me."

"Great. You drink it then."

"So, I'm thinking of doing something crazy," He said between sips.

"Go on,"

"What do you think of getting the gang back together for a few days?"

"Uh, let's see. Toothless would be happy, you'd be happy, I'd be happy, everyone would get a chance to relax. I'm a hundred and ten percent for it! No offence but you've really put Berk to hard work since you've been Chief and it's getting on everyone's nerves. All that planning, and mapping and charting. Doing stuff nobody knows why we're doing."

"Do you think, that between my mother and Gobber the village won't burn down?"

"Mmm, I'd add Spitelout to the team. And Gustav. Oh and Gothi."

"Ok I get Gothi and Gustav. But Spitelout? Really?" He repeated a little uneasily. One of Hiccups worst fears was that Spitelout would turn the village against him and make Snotlout Chief. So he never gave the guy a job.

"Yeah. Spitelout can take over training with the new recruits, and Gustav can cover for Snotlout as the patrol captain. And if both Gobber and your mom have to agree on something before it is done, only the most important things will happen because they can't agree on anything. It's a perfect team!"

"It should work..."

"It will work. It does work. This is so happening." I flung the covers and jumped out of bed. Stormfly, who was sticking her head through the window, started bobbing up and down with excitement.

"That's right, girl," I cooed, grabbing my coat and boots.

"Where are you going?"

"To round up the gang. You take Stormfly and get your dragon, then meet us at the Great Hall. I'll handle everything else."

I threw open the door and marched out into the cold morning.

Hiccup jumped when I leaned in with Stormfly at the window. "Thanks for breakfast!"

At the Great Hall there was much mumbling and groaning about the early hour.

"Here now, what's this all about that we couldn't get another wink in?" Spitelout yawned.

Before I could answer Toothless and Stormfly landed outside.

"As you know, our Great Leader and Chief Hiccup... oh who are we kidding I'm not doing this hoity toity thing. Ok. Y'all know Hiccup's been working his butt off to mend Berk from her battles and make her a safe place for Vikings and Dragons. It's time for him to take a break. I will let him fill you in on the details."

"There are rumors circling about Toothless getting into trouble around the Archipelago and I aim either to make amends or set the story straight. And... I was wondering, if my old edge team would accompany me."

"That's not exactly a vacation," Spitelout pointed out.

"It's a start. Who's with me?"

"Sure." Ruffnut shrugged.

"I'm in!" Tuff shouted. "I'm in I'm in I am sooo in."

"I'd love to go out on another adventure Hiccup; it's been too long since we did anything together!" Fishlegs bounced excitedly.

"To be honest I'm kinda not a big fan of the 'gang' years..." Snotlout said, aloof. One glance at the expression on my face changed his tone though. "Ok I'll come- only to keep you all safe."

"Mom, Gobber, can I leave Berk in your capable hands?"

"You can count on me, laddie!" Gobber raised his only hand.

"You, you want me to, help... the people?" Valka asked nervously.

"Yes. Just, treat them the way you treat the dragons, even the orneriest ones."

"Alright," She nodded, "For you son, I'll do it."

He came down and gave her a hug. "Thanks mom."

I continued for him. "Spitelout, you'll be taking over orientation for the newcomers. And Gustav, as senior dragon rider in Berk you will be responsible for the patrols. You've been training under Snotlout for some time, and I think you're ready."

Gustav beamed. "Yes 'mam I am General Haddock 'mam! I will go above and beyond the call of duty!"

"Very good! I like your spirit."

The Chief looked around at all the faces. "Thank you all for your help, I couldn't do this without you,"

"Hiccup," Gobber gently put his mace on the young mans' shoulder "if it pleased you we would conquer the world. But we know it wouldn't please you so we won't. We're all with you, Chief. Isn't that so, Spitelout?"

Spitelout snorted with his arms crossed "Aye,"

"Now all that's left is to leave," Hiccup leaned over to me. "...this is really happening, right? I mean, I'm not dreaming here. Because this dream usually starts good and ends very badly."

"Not a dream, Hiccup," I whispered in his ear. "But if you need convincing I could punch you in the arm."

An old spark came back to life in his eye. "No I'm good." He clapped his hands together. "Alright! Let's get going!"

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