Chapter Eleven: Offspring of Lightning and Death

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We flew for miles and miles, Stormfly hot on the trail of our unfortunate Terror

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We flew for miles and miles, Stormfly hot on the trail of our unfortunate Terror.

No one was in a very good mood. The dragons were getting tired and the day was growing old.

Barf and Belch banged heads, both fighting for the lead.

"Cut it out you guys! Only we are allowed to fight like that!" Ruff snapped, re-adjusting her helmet.

"Yeah do you have any idea how much it hurts us when you two argue? Have some consideration!"

Behind us Sleuther and Ebony were having it out. Sleuther was always a little aloof from the rest of the dragons, but he especially couldn't stand Ebony's undignified, obnoxious behavior, and she was loving it. A chomp on his tails was the last straw.

"Whoa! No no no you know your better than that," Dagur sat atop Shattermaster and worked to cool his hot-headed Triple Stryke.

Sleuther growled.

"Who's the bigger dragon? Huh? Who?"

He literally crossed his claws and looked away.

"AAAAHH Hookfang!" Snotlout roared as his beast combusted, just for the fun of frying his rider. They swung a hard right into Windshear. Thinking the Monstrous Nightmare was lashing out, she spooked and spat a fireball. It didn't hit him but it came awfully close to Meatlug and Fishlegs.

"Sorry!" Snotlout yelled as they flew around in a zig zagging battle of the wills.

"Easy, girl, easy!" Heather soothed, "it's okay. Those two are just being mutton heads," She glared viciously at Snotlout. "When are you going to get a grip on controlling your dragon?"

"What?? I apologized after YOUR dragon tried to shoot us and you are calling us out??" The Jorgenson blew his top.

"She almost hit Fishlegs and Meatlug because of you!"

Windshear hissed at Hookfang and he snarled back.

"It's not my fault that your dragon has horrible aim."

And this is the part where Snotlout gets roasted, I thought to myself, looking back in the saddle.

Heather clenched her fists. "I'll show you horrible aim. Windshear!"

"Come on guys, who knows how much further it is? We've got to conserve ours and the dragons' energy." Hiccup yelled over the brawlers. They didn't hear.

I waited for him to look my way.


"What do you think?" I asked, arms crossed.

"We can't stop. Not now, we'll lose the scent."

"Stormfly can pick it up in the morning just as well as she's following it now."

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