Chapter Nine: Follow the Leader

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We watched the dragons play for an hour, and by the end of it you would have thought they'd known Ebony all their lives

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We watched the dragons play for an hour, and by the end of it you would have thought they'd known Ebony all their lives. All but Toothless, who was not in the best of moods and stuck to Hiccups side.

Ebony was particularly attached to Hookfang... although he didn't feel the same for her. After running all over the place trying to escape her, the five-thousand-pound dragon hid behind Snotlout. She finally let him be.

"I wonder if Hookfang reminds her of another dragon that she made friends with," Hiccup thought.

Fishlegs nodded.

The Chief clapped his hands together. "Okay, moment of truth. Everyone to your dragons! Snotlout, would you and Hookfang lead us back to camp? I think Ebony will follow you guys. If she does then we might be able to convince her to follow us home."

"With pleasure," Snotlout bowed.

Each to their own dragon, we flew up and out of the forest.

Below the branches Ebony wriggled and hopped and cooed, but refused to join us in the air.

"Snotlout circle around a few times to encourage her to follow you guys," Hiccup suggested.

The Jorgenson turned his dragon "Hey Ebony, your new best friend and I are leaving, you should totally follow us home and become a part of the Jorgenson clan," He cooed.

"I said encourage not discourage. Let Hookfang do the talking."

"Well aren't you the rudest Chief I ever met. Fine. Hookfang, do you mind helping out a little here?"

His dragon snorted.

"Oh come on be a pal! I need her to follow us! Can you imagine what dad will think if I come home with my own Nightfury?"

Hookfang looked him in the eye, growling.

"No no no I wouldn't replace you what? That's crazy!" he rubbed the back of his neck. "I can't believe you'd think that you know my dad will take her."

Hookfang shook his head.

"I'll feed you one hundred of the biggest salmon in the archipelago, give you three rub downs a day and you can have my hut."

The Monstrous Nightmare snickered and began calling to the dragon below.

Ebony replied by running wildly back and forth on the ground.

Snotlout looked to Hiccup, shrugging.

"Maybe she can't fly," Heather said.

"She didn't even try to." Fishlegs added.

Down we went again.

"What's the matter, girl?" Hiccup asked, looking for clues.

Ebony returned to the place she was standing when we first saw her. She sat down.

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