Chapter Fifteen: A Turn for the Worst

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It was not Ebony

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It was not Ebony.

I grew dizzy watching the magnificent creature circle. Rich purple eyes glanced from one Viking and dragon to another, powerful wings cut effortlessly and silently through the air. It was like gravity had no effect.

Gigantic, he was almost the size and a half of Toothless. The little flaps under his chin, of which Toothless had four, had almost grown into a full beard, and although it was difficult to count while he was in motion I estimated about ten to twelve on each side.

The mountain groaned and our little seastack tremored. Dust fell where it leaned against the other stack.

The purple eyes rested on Toothless. His ear flaps vibrated.

Toothless cocked his head to the side.

Stormfly sniffed the air. She looked away from the circling dragon and towards Caldera. I followed her gaze.

"Look!" Tuffnut pointed before I could utter a word.

Like Night Terrors there burst from the mountain cave a half a dozen or so black, winged beasts.

Purple eyes continued to circle with ear flaps vibrating. The swarm of creatures turned to us. When they arrived they followed his lead.

"Guys we di.ed and went to Valhalla!" Ruff and Tuff threw their arms out.

Fishlegs swooned.

Hiccup was beside himself. "How?" He said, again and again, steadying himself against Toothless, face aglow with joy. "Just- how??"

The Night Furies dipped under and flew over each other.

Tuff and Belch leaned outward to the circle.

The nearest dragons snarled.

"Hey," Hiccup warned. "No sudden moves."

So many expressions. Some wide eyed and curious, others suspicious and aloof.

Everyone buzzed with excitement. Only Purple eyes remained silent. His ears continued to vibrate.

A new sound met our ears. It was like trilling but constant and unchanging. The swirling dragons rippled as a single figure broke through.

All eyes turned. The sea stack shuddered as four rigid white legs set down. The dragon they belonged to took our breath away.

She was ghastly white, looking more like a ghost than a living creature. The three little flaps on both sides of her jaw, the area around her eyes and her nose, on the tips of her toes, her tail, and much of the skin between the fingers of her wings, all of that was fleshy pink. Every scar she had ever acquired shone bright, looking like wounds that had never truly healed.

Her blood red eyes showed no expression at all as she reviewed our lot.

The double fin tail wagged behind her as she lowered her wings. As the origin of the constant trilling sound her ears and flaps vibrated unceasingly. Her tiny little nose seemed to be hard at work too, so if I had to guess, I'd say she relied more on what she heard and smelled than what she saw.

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