Chapter Seventeen: A Barking Dragon?

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Moonlight glistened on the cold wet rock in the cave

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Moonlight glistened on the cold wet rock in the cave. A noise loud as thunder flung me into an upright position.

The silhouette of a small man stood at the mouth of the cave.

My blood boiled as I stood. "Alvin! You are responsible for what happened to Hiccup."

"Guilty as charged."

"Then how about a little swift justice? Stormfly, end him."

My dragon continued to sleep as if nothing in the world was amiss.

"Stormfly!" I shouted.

Not a single Viking or dragon stirred. Not even Toothless.

"They can't hear you."

Either the cave was growing or I was shrinking because it felt like I was standing alone, and everyone else was miles away. I looked back at Alvin.

He had without moving come closer, but instead of being human he looked like a shadow. The moon stood at his side like some wicked henchman.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hurt Hiccup?"

"Who's to say? Certainly not you. You didn't pay enough attention when you had the chance. Now watch," he said, "As I take everything else you hold dear. I think I'll start with that Nadder."

I pulled out my axe. "Over my dead body."

An ugly grin spread across the shadow's face.

With a shriek it split in half, dissipating into the albino nightfury and-

I sat up, gasping for breath.

Moonlight glistened against the wet rocks in the cave.

Ugh. Creepy weird nightmare.

Stealing over I found Hiccup sound asleep. It was good to see him get some real rest, he'd been so sick from the poison. Toothless' green eyes reflected in the moonlight as he watched me, and Stormfly stretched and rolled over on her back, legs in the air like a dead chicken.


I began to simmer. That little weasel. The snake. Why had he done this? What was his plan? Hmph didn't matter. The minute I set foot in Berk would be the minute he breathed his last, and that's all I cared about.

Somewhere in the distance a dragon gave a shrill whistle. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

Stormfly turned upright, looking around nervously.

I hoped against hope that it was Ebony as I glanced around to see if someone else was awake...

...where was Snotlout?

Footprints tracked out of the cave.

Mutton head.

I took my axe and followed, ordering Stormfly to stay. No point in putting her in danger too.

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