Chapter Fifty-One

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Grrrrr... grrrr, grrrr... grrrrr...

Ebony paced. The black-haired Viking told her to stay but went out to fight with those nasty Southerners herself! So selfish. And to top it off the tall human was keeping her from running out there to protect her monstrous friend.

Her little black dragon's nose twitched worriedly, for between the disturbing smells of those tiny monsters in the sky, the Southerners, the Vikings, the Wotādīni, the angry friend dragons, and the stinky ant-eating mindbender she caught a very faint scent of something else...


GRRRRRR... She grumbled again and resumed her pacing. Dumb Vikings why did they always go toward the furies? The furies were mean, nasty, and terribly rude... especially to monstrous nightmares.

"Oh no! OH NO! Oh no no NO!" Snotlout rose from the dead, boxing the air.

"Tha e ceart gu leòr, tha sinn nar caraidean," A friendly Wotādīni said calmingly. "OWW!"

His words fell on deaf ears.

"You savages! It's bad enough you poisoned everybody now you take who's left for supper?" He raised his fists in fury after gesturing his drenched clothes. "I will not be marinated!!!"

"Pipe down lad!" Liam snarled. "You're giving our position away!"

"What?? Old man Liam who lives on that weird cat-thing infested island and once tried to drown my dad?? You're in on this too!?!" The Jorgenson's face turned dark. "I knew you were evil."

He rushed past the confused fury to the six-foot-ten Celt.

Liam put out his good hand and caught him by his hot head. The Viking swung his arms relentlessly but couldn't reach far enough to actually hit. He thrust Snotlout back, who landed with a thud.

"No you moron, I'm here with Chief Haddock!"

Snotlout narrowed his eyes. "I didn't see you with the rest of us."

"NOT THAT Haddock!" Liam clenched his fist. "Hiccup!"

"Hahahaha yeah Hiccup was left on Skullion there probably aren't even any bones left of him. Nice try though. Ahh, ahh- AHH!"

The old man's delicate temper snapped. He grabbed Snotlout by the scruff of his shirt collar. "That so? What's YOUR dragon doing here then?"

All the fight left Snotlouts rigid frame.

"Hookfang?" He whispered as the butane beast wreaked havoc on what was left of a cohort.

"...Never mind the nightfury standing right here." Liam noted the obvious.

"That's Hookfang. That's... that's my dragon. He's alive." Snotlout pointed senselessly, beginning to laugh. "Haha, hahaha! HOOKFANG YOU'RE ALIVE!!"

"I just said to keep it down!" Liam groaned desperately.

"You're alive buddy! You're a-"

Ebony's legs stiffened and she growled as the fiery dragon roared. A barrage of arrows flew up at him; They weren't doing any real damage, but they did catch in his wings and his scales, sticking out and making it almost impossible to flap his wings. Slowly he glided to earth, where the enemy waited.

"Aliiiiiivvve oooohhh no you don't!!" The Jorgenson's face distorted with rage. He grabbed a nearby bludgeon.

"What are you doing?!?" Liam said in shock as Snotlout jumped on Ebony.

"Keeping my dragon alive! Ebony DESTROY THEM!!!"

He and the black dragon charged out of the forest, grim intentions for the Romans circling Hookfang.

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