Chapter Ten: How to Perform a Dragon Eulogy

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Leaving Gullgut Island in our dust, we each took a turn dunking ourselves and our dirty dragons into the ocean below

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Leaving Gullgut Island in our dust, we each took a turn dunking ourselves and our dirty dragons into the ocean below. It's no fun to air dry after a chilly dip like that and then itch like crazy from the salt, but we all agreed it was better than being covered in droppings.

Ebony was a chunk and had tired herself out chasing Hookfang everywhere. In the air she floated lazily between each dragon and rider.

Hiccup was flying wingman to me. I glanced back at him, and saw Ebony very cautiously making her way towards Toothless.

Toothless felt her wet nose on his tail fin. He looked back.

Unaware that she was being watched, she slowly moved up his tail towards Hiccup and the saddlebag with her little friend in it, sniffing very carefully.

Toothless cooed.

Ebony's eyes met his. She snorted and fell back.

"Whoa, hey, watch where you're going, bud!"

The boys ran into me and Stormfly.

"Sorry Astrid. SOMEBODY is very distracted."

"I know. And somebody else is very distracting. She's so different from Toothless."

Ebony was now flying above Dagur and Sleuther. She put her paws on his head, then started playing with his hair. Sleuther rolled his eyes.

"She's so much more outgoing." Dagur slapped at her paws.

"So much bolder. Toothless lived in fear of Vikings that's why he was cautious. Either she's never seen Vikings as a threat or not the brightest Nightfury there's ever been."

"A threat to her, anyway." Hiccup reached back and felt inside the saddlebag.

Stormfly rawked. Her speed increased.

"She's got something!"

"Fishlegs, what's our position?"

"Gimme a second... umm... okay. So we are headed northwest towards... uh oh."


"Melody Island."

"Melody Island?" Snotlout repeated. "Somebody had a death wish."

"Does everyone have their dragon earplugs?"

"We don't," Dagur and Heather said. "We've never been to Melody Island."

"Don't worry I brought extras," Fishlegs handed three pair over.

"Thanks, Fishface! You the viking."

Fishlegs shrugged pleasantly. "I always come prepared."

Dagur tossed a set to Heather and stuffed the plugs in Sleuther's ears. The Triple Stryke went crosseyed for a second but shook it off.

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