Chapter 1

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AN: Another Si-Oc fanfic. This time, it was fanfic about the web novel Lord of the Mysteries.

(T ^ T ) Please heal my Kokoro... Kamadeva didn't come home in FGO. The Rate up is a lie. I never felt what heartbreak feels like. But the pain in my heart was real when she didn't come home. Pain... It hurts. I spent 7 tickets and 120 SQ for her...


Chapter 1: The ignorant child opened his eyes from the dream

« Feynapotter Kingdom– Established at Pale Era of the 4th Epoch. Founded by the Castiya Royal Family after the Trunsoest Empire was destroyed. Currently, it was one of the major nations in the southern part of the Northern Continent. .... »

The sound of book closing resounded within the silent palace library.  Small and little hands were holding the book. The said owner of those hands was currently wearing a somber and grim expression on his face. It was an expression that you wouldn't normally see on a young child. Especially a child about the age of 5 to 7 years old.

Currently, the child's icy blue eyes were dilated. His hands shook as he hold the book. His body was trembling. Chaotic thoughts were running through his mind. A whimper unconsciously left on his mouth. But he quickly bit his lip. He remembered what his mother recently said to him.

“ A person of your stature shouldn't show any weakness. If you show one weakness, the many maggots of the populace would just take advantage of them. ”

He breathed. Trying to calm down his heart and mind. What he had learned was a truly serious matter. It's no wonder that he was feeling afraid right now. A very important matter. It was a subject that revealed a certain truth of this world. And his perspective was being challenged and changed by those disjointed images.

As he manages to calm his mind, albeit, not permanently... The little child looks around at the scattered books around him. The crimson glow illuminated the scattered books along with the table, chair, and himself.

The child looks in the direction where the crimson glow came from. And he was welcomed by the sight of a very large glass window. Outside of the large window was the crimson moon hanging on the night sky.

His expression turned bitter as he gaze at the moon. Hazy and disjointed memories were supplying his mind that the moon wasn't supposed to be like the color of blood. Pureness and the color of Serenity– The noncolor white. The moon was supposed to be bathing the night of the ethereal glow of that hue.

For all of the years, he doesn't realize how wrong it was. All– Everything in this world. He spent his years in clueless ignorance. He didn't register his subconscious telling him the wrongness and familiarity of this world.

But it wasn't his fault that he remain as a clueless child that look at this world with ignorant curiosity. Who was at fault that it was just a recent thing that he manage to piece all of his disjointed memories of his past life? From the moment that he was born, he was just a child who was strangely aware.

He learned that it was not unnatural to have a strange smart child like him. Looking at his brothers and sisters, it was common in their family. His mother once said to him that it was nothing special in their veins to be superior among the common people.

" The Castiya Family are unique. Natural born rulers who the common people adore and admired. "

The child grimace at the memory. If he thought about what his mother said with the perception of himself upon his past life, she strangely sound condescending in a very eccentric manner.

It wasn't his fault that his family has strange parameters that he thought that it was just natural to be perceptive and smart as a child. But as he slowly regained his memories– he was a strange one compared to normal people.

A Reincarnator— that is what he is. A term that he found on what he was based on the memories of his past life. It was a belief in his past life on a belief called Buddhism. It was also a thing that you would commonly encounter in those entertainment genres called "Isekai". It also explains his current situation.

He was a reincarnated person. A person that was born again in a world that was too much different on his own yet familiar. The world where he currently lives was different from his former world where the existence of supernatural things and fantasy didn't exist. Those things only existed from the literature and entertainment from the different and former versions of Earth.

In this world, strange and fantastical things exist. Even it wasn't a common acknowledged thing among the ordinary masses. Recent lessons that came from his mother told him tales and stories about extraordinary people. Unique and special beings who were different. Above the normal populace who can wield and do things that ordinary people can't. Those people are called Beyonders.

After the strange lesson from his mother, it was like that everything clicked into place. His hazy memories and unblurred and the subconscious things that were buried within him were unfurled.

Memories after memories arrange themselves to form a thought that was so horrible. Day after day of that strange lesson from his mother, he came to the library. He was commended by his enthusiastic learning attitude by his mother. Praise rarely left the mouth of his mother. If his guts and subconscious aren't sending him some strange signal, he would be normally overjoyed and basked on the praise of his mother.

But he was focused on the horrible feeling that was slowly growing inside his mind while diving through many information in the library. Finally, all of the information that he found in the books tell him a certain pertaining one important fact.

A crimson moon in the sky, supernatural people ascending to become Eldritch beings, steampunk Victorian era... He can inside his mind with absolute certainty.

Yup, he was in that certain web novel literature that he read in his past life. That piece of work was one of his absolute favorites. It was a masterpiece and stunning web novel for him compared to the usual works that came on that country.

A fantasy world inspired by Chtulhu and the scary game called Bloodborne. A story with interesting plot twists and characters. Compelling character and one of the best protagonists in Chinese Web novels for him.

A world with strange power and rules derived from the Major Arcana Tarot Cards. He was reincarnated in the world of Lord of the Mysteries. As the terror was slowly rising within the depths of his mind, he couldn't help but think that it wasn't one of the worlds where he wanted to be reincarnated. Despite being one of his favorites, this world was full of overpowered beings, smart villains, horrible Eldritch Chtulhu gods, and a bunch of different Religions contending for power.

And finally, one horrible part of this reincarnation experience was that it just happens that today was June 10, 1349. He has only 18 days before the Canon starts kicking and the arrival of the dear protagonist.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh. He stared at his hands. It was so small and look so weak. Just like a child..... He– is currently a Seven-year-old child.

.... This situation is unfair. Just how can he guarantee his survival in this world? He was certain that he was a non-existent character in the original story. A nonexistent character from a family that was just barely mentioned and didn't even make an appearance in the said literature. A family that just served background information for world-building.

—  if you aren't the protagonist of this world, there are zero guarantees that you would be alive.

Yareth Castiya thought with absolute certainty. He was literally and royally screwed.

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