Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: A message from the future

       " Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin— unforeseen catastrophe. "

There was a male voice echoing inside Yareth's head.

" Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity. "

Voices... Yareth corrected. The second voice was a female.

" Higher Knowledge... "

Yareth found himself in a very tall structure. Overlooking everything downwards. He found himself looking through its window that it was wide enough to deem it as a door.

The scene that could be seen from the top was illuminated by the blood-red moonlight. What appeared to be indecipherable figures before being obscured by thick gray fog was now illuminated by moonlight.

The first tragic sight was of an elder dressed in a black robe. He has wrinkles at the edge of his dark red eyes and mouth. Behind the old man was a pair of ruthless eyelashes that has a transparent eye. Sometimes, it would occasionally glitch and Yareth would see an illusory light. The elder then turned into a monster. Later, Yareth can only see a tomb with an epitaph of “ If I cannot save her, then I shall accompany her. ”

" Reason, rationality, rigid structures... "

The next sight was of an average man with thick brown hair and average body size. He was someone who looks smart and capable. Then there was a mirror in front of him with three minor cracks and the back of it was played in mercury. The man dropped dead. A man then stared at him in sadness, then consumed one of his remains. In the distance, Yareth could see a brown-haired woman who appears to be in her 30's. She appeared mature but she also looks like innocent. She laughed at the sight of the man who died because of the mirror. Then, she was pulled into the dream. Saw the mirror and died.

" A place of truth and knowledge.."

The next scene was of the previous man who consumed the remains of his colleague. He has light brown hair, a straight nose, and sharp gray eyes. He appeared to be in the '30s. Yareth shook at the sight of the man. He can feel himself trembling.

" However much knowledge you carry, it would be useless if it remained locked up and unused. "

The man then dropped dead. On his back was the hazy figure of a man hanging inverted on a cross and a hideous infant. Later, a tomb could be seen, and an epitaph that was saying “ The true guardian, the most trusted partner, the captain forever. " There was also a blurred figure of a man staring at the tomb in the night. Yareth can't hear the man's face as it was blurred just like how he can't hear what the man is saying. Despite those things, Yareth could recognize all of the scenes that were shown to him.

" Instead of noble purity, would it be proper to describe you as aloof and apathetic? "

The female voice asked and Yareth can feel tears gathering in his eyes.

" Isolated from everyone. Only pursues knowledge and truth. Never cares about the matters of the world. "

It wasn't the truth. Yareth shook his head. Wanting the voices to stop bothering him.

" Are you heartless that you would let those things happen? "

These voices whisper to him, they don't know what they are talking about.

" No! "

Yareth shouted with a voice filled with pain. Those voices. They don't know anything about him.

" I am not heartless... I— "

" Then, why are you just willing to let them die? You could see the future. "

The female voice said. It sounded curious. But to Yareth, it feels mocking.

" It wasn't easy... Even I could see it and wanted to change them, I am weak in this world filled with monsters. "

And Yareth was also afraid that he would make things worst.

" You aren't doing your best. "

She whispered. As if things could just be easy.

" You don't need to do it yourself. "
The male voice says. He then continued.

" You can think outside of the box. Resourcefulness and creativeness— I am aware that you could do them. "

Yareth closes his eyes. After a while, he opened them. He look down and saw the scenes of tragedy disappear on the ground.

" Then shall we take a leap of faith? "

Both of the voices whispered to him. Yareth sighed and climbed up into the window. He then let go of his hand and fall from the tower.

" Tower is often seen in negativity. Tower, in truth, is a symbol of change. "

" You could change things. You just need to believe in yourself. "

" Don't you agree Mister Tower? "

The female voice asked as Yareth falls from the tower. But before he can reach the ground, he was engulfed by a thick gray fog. The last thing that he have seen was the man covered in a thick gray fog sitting on a chair. Not far away from him was a woman standing. Her face was indecipherable and blurry. But Yareth could tell that she has blond hair and doesn't dress like a common lady. She was a noble.

They were familiar. Yareth then felt a snap of his mind at that realization. He then knows that he was in a dream.

" This is a dream... "

He said as he stared at the lady and not at the man sitting on the chair.

" It is Mr. Tower. "

The man, or should he say Mr. Fool replied.

" It wasn't my intention to cause distress. Neither is what Miss Justice wanted. "

" I'm sorry, Mister Tower. "

The vibrant Miss Justice said. She then continued.

" Mister Fool and I just wanted to leave an important message for you. Hopefully, you understand and calm your mind later. Mister Fool and I haven't much time to spend here in your dream. Mister Fool has important things to take care of in the present. Mister Fool and everyone in the club are looking forward to you joining. "

She curtsied and everything dispersed to nothingness. Miss Justice and Mister Fool are gone. The scene then changes and Yareth found himself in Yilla. There he found the familiar voice of Yohan saying various vulgar and colorful insults in various languages. Then Yareth found himself dumbfounded when he found himself staring at a seven-year-old boy with white hair and ice-blue eyes— his current appearance in this life. Then Yareth decided to stare at his hand, or should he say Yohan's hand?

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