Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Mister Tower

" I seek your help,
your assurance,
your blessings,
O' benevolent ruler of the spirit world.. "

Klein heard the repeated chant of a prayer. A faint red star is glowing within the gray fog. Klein extended his spirituality, a faint and illusory projection of a person was shown in the real world. A teenager in a dimly lit room, kneeling and praying. He wore clothing that wasn't typical of a Loen gentleman but still could be associated with the Northern Continent. It appeared to be finely tailored and made of expensive fabric. The teenager has hair colored in darkness and like the other members of the club, his face was distorted and blurry. In front of him lay an assortment of plants, flowers, and objects. On the center was a music box and a familiar symbol was engraved on the object. Klein shows a trace of surprise upon seeing the symbol. It was the symbol on the back of his chair within the gray fog of the mysterious space.

After he observed the youth and his surroundings, Klein went back to listening to the repeating chanted prayers. It registered on him that he was listening to a foreign language. It was called by historians and scholars to be the language of dragons. Klein has been studying Jotun and other languages since he pulled the Sun to his Tarot Club. It was the right decision...Klein mused. The youth that was shown with his spirituality was speaking in the Dragonese Language. Klein lampooned the possibility in the future of him being a multi-tasking all-around translator for the members of the Tarot Club.

Klein frowned as he deciphered the youth's words. Benevolent ruler of the Spirit World? From the lessons of Old Neil, he didn't mention any rulers of the spirit world. The Genius Miss Daly didn't also mention of someone above the spirit world.. Klein murmured to himself. Then, why did the youth's prayer point to me? Is it related to the mysterious space? ... Klein said to himself and wondered about the connection between the spirit world and the mysterious space.

Klein tapped on the edge of the long bronze table with his fingers. After six taps, he came to the decision. He extended his right hand and touched the illusory and faint-colored crimson star. The crimson cloud burst and the light flowed like liquid water.

Klein saw the youth let out a gasp of surprise before he was swallowed. Expecting a youth to appear, Klein was surprised. Instead of a teenager, a man now appeared in his place. Taller and possess a different physique.

What is going on? Klein asked himself. Before he could continue thinking further, the youth who was now a man stared at the surroundings, then at Klein, before he bowed and started speaking.

" Benevolent ruler of the Spirit World. It was expected that a high-grade beyonder item of disguise wouldn't be capable of covering up my true self towards an exalted one like your grace. "

Klein then stared at the necklace that was worn by the man. A very useful beyonder item... Through, I wonder how many pounds did this man spent on that 'high grade' beyonder item. It must be very costly. ... Klein thought to himself. It was a relief that he didn't blurt those words out. It would damage the image of a mighty being that the man believed he was despite this being their first meeting.

Klein indiscreetly clicked his left molars and activated his spiritual vision. There are various colors that he could see on the man using the spirit vision. A large amount of red indicates passion or excitement. He could see orange for warmth and satisfaction. A small amount of yellow for happiness and extroversion. The white that meant brightness and eagerness to improve was more than the amount of his passion and excitement. Nonetheless, for all of the bright color that Klein have seen on the man, he was plagued with equal amounts of Dark and Purple. Dark for worry, sorrow, and silence. The purple was for coldness and estrangement. Then, he also learned that the man was already a Beyonder. A sequence above him and below to the Hanged Man. A sequence 8 Beyonder.

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