Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: The blasphemous and heretical Charm Scientist

   " No! "

Horace shouted as the passing by Minder Owls glanced at him.

" Charms aren't just mere mystical items! They are special! They are items that were bestowed with power and blessings by the Gods and Goddesses! "

" No need to feel agitated Sir Haydn, I know how special the Charms are. "

" Then, why are you implying that Charms are just a mystical item?! "

Yareth drowned out the rest of his words. As interesting as the argument between Miss Abigail and Mister Horace Haydn, the conversation was starting on getting out of hand and derailed to the original topic of the conversation.

After Mister Horace was introduced to the restaurant. Mister Jasper and Horace decided to join them. They ordered, ate, and drank the food that was on the menu in the restaurant. In particular, Mister Jasper was milking the reservation on the restaurant and the free food for its worth. He has ordered several very expensive dishes and beverages. Yareth never thought that a man of Mister Jasper's stature are hiding a bottomless pit within him.

Once all of them are satisfied, they have returned to Minder Owls with Mister Horace. Just like what have Yareth have guessed based on his attire, Mister Horace Haydn was a scientist. A charm scientist according to him.

When they have arrived on the Minder Owls, their Captain doesn't seem surprised at the sight of Mister Horace. He was probably already informed of his presence. Mister Horace has gotten a nod and greetings from the other people on the Minder Owls establishment.

So far, Yareth has concluded that the relationship between the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery has been cordial and amiable at its best. There was also something going on if a foreigner and a believer of another God than the God of Knowledge and Wisdom was in this place. And Yareth knows that this first assignment of assisting Mister Horace together with Miss Abigail and Mister Hobbs has to do with them.

" Heinz is it? "

Yareth was startled out of his thoughts when he heard the voice of their guest and client. He found out that everyone was staring at him. He calmed down the urge to squirm or hide under their uncomfortable stares. He instead soothed his nerves by touching his necklace.

"  Indeed, Mister Horace. It was my name. "

Mister Horace smiled at him with an amused expression on his face before he asked again. Yareth also said to himself that there is no need to feel nervous or fret over the meaning behind his expression or if he said something funny for him to smile like that.

" You are a student to what could be considered as our continent's best school, As a fellow striver, you should understand my drive to learn new things and seeking of new possibilities right? "

Yareth doesn't know how the conversation has been turned to this point, but he decided to just nod anyway. At his response, he could see Mister Hobbs massaging his forehead and Miss Abigail glancing at him with a frown on her face. Did he say something wrong?

" Excellent! As I said before, I am not just a mere ordinary scientist. I am a charming scientist! Mahe people may see me as blasphemous with delving myself into the inner workings of the Charms and messing with them, but it wouldn't stop me from striving and discovering endless possibilities and innovation! "

Oh, that sounded so bad. What has Mister Horace said about the people finding his work blasphemous was true. If they found out, it would seriously cause outrage for many devout followers of several churches. Yareth can only imagine the end of that scenario. It involves Mister Horace being demanded to be punished by being burned in stake and labeled as a Heathen.

" But.. you have the permission from the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery Mister Horace? "

Yareth asked hesitantly. Miss Abigail's frown becomes more prominent on her face.

" Indeed! "

Mister Horace beamed a smile. His expression becomes more lively and bordering on mania.

" I have the permission from the Church! One of the highest in our church has even our God's message delivered to me that I have the permission of our Lord. He appreciated the endeavor and research that I presented at that time. After many years of work and with the help of my grandfather, Our Lord decided to reward my labor and passion! "

Mister Horace shook his hand to his surprise. Yareth feels that his hands would fall off if Mister Horace keeps doing it. Thankfully, he let go after a few seconds.

" For the past years, I have studied several charms of our own. This time, I have come to this country in hopes of gaining more insights and knowledge. I wasn't disappointed as one of our gracious and benevolent angels has delivered a message. Even I am not a follower of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, I can't help but be moved by your Lord. "

Horace then brought out something from the pockets of his lab coat. A gasp could be heard from within the distance. Yareth knows that it wasn't Miss Abigail. Yareth glance at the door of their opened workroom and found himself staring at the affronted expression of Miss Lena at the door who was holding a tray of cookies and a cup of drinks for them. Yareth wasn't surprised by her reaction since he learned that she truly respected and worship the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Even she wasn't a fanatic or tolerated beyond ordinary things because she was a Beyonder, tapping with one of her God's blessings must be a thing that she wouldn't be able to tolerate and bear other than losing on bets. Yareth then glances back at Mister Horace, after staring at the item in Mister Horace's hand has managed to identify the said item after a few seconds.

It was a low-level charm that belonged to the domain of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. A very useful charm that could assist people in their communication. A language comprehension charm that lets people understand each other even they have a different speaking language.

Yareth then heard the sound of footsteps. Mister Hobbs and Miss Abigail have left the room. He found himself in the room with Mister Horace who was currently being the victim of the quite cold and venomous glare of the Minder Owl's official treasurer.

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