Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: A Letter from a Stranger

     5th Epoch. The Loen Kingdom. Awwa County, Tingen City. August 24, 1349

   In the middle of the night of Thursday, two people picked up a mysterious letter. One was an orphaned youth whose name was Ademisaul. The other person was an employee of the Blackthorn Security Company and also a member of Nighthawks in Tingen City. Formerly, he was just an ordinary civilian working in the Blackthorn Security Company. After a while,  Kenley White became a Beyonder of the sequence 9 Sleepless of the Darkness Pathway. He volunteered to step towards the path of madness.

Kenley White has just returned to his lodgings from his work on No.36 Zouteland Street. He arrived at his home looking tired and exhausted. The day has been boisterous and buzzing with tasks from their work. Similarly to the previous days. It seems the case for the Blackthorn Security Company or Nighthawks lately. The rate of their working hours was unprecedented. Kenley White is grateful that he has chosen to become a beyonder of a sleepless sequence as it helps him with his feeling of tiredness. Beyonders are different from other people. They can endure more things compared to other people. Kenley White is grateful to the Evernight Goddess that they were also being properly compensated for their seemly nonstop tasks of investigation and that one strange case of handling sealed artifacts. The good thing about having a lot of tasks on their job was the compensation of increased wages.

Praise the Goddess...Kenley White thought inside his mind as he arrived outside of his home. He took out the key on one of the pockets of his coats. After opening the door, Kenley immediately notices his guitar laying on the ground. Then, the rolled-over parchment was on the ground. Frowning, he doesn't remember writing a letter on parchment and leaving it to the ground. He also doesn't remember his fiancee sending a letter to him. It couldn't be possibly from her. It was clear as a day to his memories. Kenley doesn't think that it was from the Blackthorn Security either. The Nighthawks and Rozanne wouldn't willingly go far and prank him because he won in their Card Games. They wouldn't hold a small grudge and planned this. His neighbors weren't suspicious enough for him to have them suspected either.

Looking at his guitar that was also on the floor and not specifically on his bedroom, Kenley White crouched down and picked his guitar and the rolled-over parchment. A strange feeling immediately descended over him the moment that he picked up the parchment. He froze like a statue. Looking grim, he sighed in a melancholic way. It was foolish of him to don't check the rolled-over parchment for any harmful and malicious intentions at first. There are many perfect examples and cases of people ending up in a bad way just because they let their curiosity overtake them. Kenley White does not want to end up like those people. But as he picked up the strange rolled over the parchment, it was late for his regret. Two things could happen to him. Either he immediately reports this strange letter to Captain Dunn or opens this letter and it results in the worse. Kenley thought that unraveling the parchment is dangerous. He immediately should go back to the Nighthawks and report this. If possible, he could also bring this parchment towards the Nighthawks.

Kenley White knows that it was the most reasonable action. But his hand reached towards the parchment to unravel them. Much to the horror of his rational thought and common sense. Why would he even open them if there was no good reason at all?

The moment that the letter was unrolled, Kenley White felt like a puppet whose strings have been cut. To his surprise and relief, it was not there then he thought. He didn't die once he opened the parchment. Kenley's eye's then immediately drifted to the words written on the parchment. Reading them, he doesn't know if it was worse or better.

[ Loen Kingdom
Tingen City, Awwa County
August 25, 1349

Sir Kenley White,
A Nighthawk in the city of Tingen

My identity is unimportant. I am an individual who wanted to relay an important message and a suggestion Sir for you to get out of your predicament. You must be wondering Sir what did I meant by those words. You must be worried and suspicious Sir Kenley. But I assure you that you would be more worried about my next message. Your life is not your own, Sir Kenley. It seems preposterous, and perhaps, those words didn't endear me, Sir, to you. I assure you, Sir, I meant no harm by those words. Sir, you must be already wondering what those words meant.

In your city of Tingen, there were a lot of coincidences happening around. You, Nighthawks suspected that there must be someone behind the scenes. A mastermind. All of you are clueless and trapped in a spider's web. You must be curious about his identity. But I must tell you that it was currently unimportant. What was important was to avoid your fate, Sir. I want you to be alive and marry your soon-to-be wife Sir Kenley. She didn't deserve to end up broken because of your future demise. You must be left with many questions Sir, but first, I must tell you that you must tell no one about this letter except my other recipient of the letter. Ademisaul, an orphaned youth that resides in the underground market in Tingen. You must be aware of him..perhaps? He was a youth with a natural talent to become a monster. Unfortunately, you Nighthawks may not have the potion formula and ingredients to help him in his predicament. May you commiserate together of your strange experience.

An Audience of a certain play in Tingen City who wants to spoil the contents, Someone who likes a happy ending, Zangwill go suffer in the Tartarus, – You, Sir Kenley may call me Ayfel Babel.


I would send a letter again to you  Sir Tomorrow tonight depending on the actions that you would take. I only come with good intentions.          ]

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