Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Change of Plans

   Since Yareth started going to Yilla every time he sleeps, there was never a chance for a dream to arise in his consciousness. When Yareth didn't appear in Yilla at the usual time, Yohan immediately knows that there was something wrong. Walking around the Yilla, he tried to feel Yareth through their connection. Yohan grasp their connection and tried to pull him into this place. But to no avail, he didn't appear. Focusing on their connection, he knows that Yareth wasn't awake. He was unconscious.

Panic and confusion. It was never a good thing to feel those things. Yohan decided to leave the place where the bookshelves and books gathered in Yilla, he keep walking in this place. Seeking one of the familiar spots of Yilla.  He doesn't know how much time has passed. Yohan eventually came into a place of very thick walls made of water. All of the water in this place is rising continuously with no end. Yohan put his hand on the wall of thick continuously rising water. He instantly back away as he felt the very intense pain. Even now, he can't still leave this place. Yohan sighed and decided to go back towards the bookshelves and books. He still feels worried Yareth. He decided to wait on that place and hope that nothing bad has happened to him. Walking again, he started feeling something wrong. It was like that he was getting slower. There wasn't much gap between his footsteps. Is it an illusion that he keeps getting smaller? Staring at the palms of his hands, no it isn't.

What the hell is going on?!

Yohan doesn't know how much how time has passed after that. He only knows that spent his time roaming around and saying a bunch of expletive curses in different languages. It was thanks to the books here in the library that he learned to say a bunch of different languages and a lot of things. Eventually, Yareth finally appeared in Yilla. And he was in his body. Now, that he inspected these little hands and body, it was Yareth's.

" Whatever is this that happened, and where have you gone, I hope that you are not hurt and there's nothing wrong that we need to be worried about? "

He asked Yareth uncertainly. Instead of the one who look down on Yareth, Yohan was the one who need to lookup. He hoped that this isn't permanent.

Yareth then smiled awkwardly at him. Then what he said shook him to the core with uneasiness and trepidation.

" Hmmm... how do I put it? Mister Fool and Miss Justice left me messages from the future. "

" ...... "

Yohan froze on the spot. Yareth glances at him with a worried look on his face. After a while, he let out a sigh and said sternly.

" Tell me what happened. "

Yareth then started telling all of the things that transpired in his dream before he was pulled here to Yilla. While he was telling the story, they notice that they are slowly returning to normal and on their own spirit body which caused both of their relief. At the end of Yareth's tale, Yohan could only grit his teeth and cursed again.

Yareth was looking at Yohan with uncertainty. This is the first of times that he has seen him not composed, other than the memories of their past lives. He thought that this version of him don't any worries and fears anymore after their death. But it seems that he was wrong.

" Yareth... "

" What is it? "

" We're changing our plans. Instead of standing at the sidelines and not causing any more changes just by you existing, then they better be prepared! "

Yohan clenched his fist. Yohan and Yareth were just doing their best for survival. To not be involved, to be a selfish coward. What have they said to Yareth was all truth. But still... even it wasn't their intention and the truth, Yareth still cried. Even with memories of his past life, Yareth was just a child. Yohan stared at Yareth who doesn't seem affected by the words of those two.

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