Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: You and I

           Yareth woke up from his unconsciousness. He opened his eyes and blinked. Did he remember crying and falling asleep?

He decided to blink his eyes again. He was confused. He tried to move his body and found that it was hard to move around. His hands and feet feel heavy.

It was like something was obstructing him. It was heavy and oppressive. Yet it wasn't concrete or a solid thing. The thing that was blocking him was not also a form of gas. He blinked his eyes again. Surprise that when he moved his body bubbles would appear around.

Finally, realization dawned upon him. He was in the water. He was being surrounded by the water. Yareth unconsciously opened his mouth in shock. But he quickly closes it. Afraid that the water would enter his lungs.

" ...Heh.. "

Yareth quickly turned his body. He heard the voice of someone. His eyes widened when he finally registered the person in front of him.

Black hair, blue eyes. And a very familiar face. Yareth's mind shook. How could this be?

" Who are you?! "

He looks at the person in front of him with fear and anxiety.

How could it happen? It was impossible.

" Why it isn't possible? "

Yareth becomes more nervous. He didn't expect the familiar person in front of him to reply. It was... as if this person could read his mind.

" I am ..... Me. This is impossible. You couldn't exist. "

Yareth started trembling. He was... The person in front of him. Looks like the 'him' in his past life. It was beyond impossible.

" No, it wasn't impossible. It was simply beyond your current comprehension, Yareth. "

Yareth feels confused as he looks towards the very familiar face. He doesn't get what is this shapeshifter is saying.

" Shapeshifter? How cruel... "

The unknown being said those words as he walks closer and closer towards Yareth. He brought his hands in front of his body, ready to defend himself from any attack coming from this person.

" But, I couldn't blame the fault on you to be this ignorant... "

Instead of an attack, Yareth felt a very familiar gesture. The person who looked like him in his past life is patting his head.

" You are just a child. Your mind works in a very simple way. "

The head pat... Feels comfortable for some reason.

" Despite the knowledge and those memories, inside and out, you are a child. Emulate it however you try and want, but you would never be the person of your past. "

Yareth frowned as he heard those words. Yet his eyes dilated as he heard this familiar stranger's next words.

" You can never be I am... I and you– “Yareth”, despite being the same soul are different from each other. I am what I am. And you are what you are. "

The person.... he of the past life smiled.

" You are just a child. That knowledge shouldn't be your burden and responsibility. Within these past few weeks, you are overtaxing yourself. Working hard and worrying about a lot of things. A lot of stress.. physically and mentally has accumulated inside you... In the end, your body and mind decided to give up on the recent events. "

The Foreigner (Lord of the Mysteries Fanfic)- (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now