Chapter 37

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AN: As an obligatory note. Again, I didn't permit the NovelHd the rights to have my fanfictions and original works copied over their damn site.

Chapter 37: Ademisaul

It was late afternoon. Nearly close on shifting toward the nightfall. Ademisaul stands near the doorway of the Evil Dragon bar to see off Kenley White. Recently, the Beyonder from the Nighthawk had been a secret irregular guest on the bar. It started on the day they both received a letter from a mysterious sender. A person who claimed the name of Ayfel Babel whom Ademisaul called in his mind as Sir Ayfel.

Ademisaul didn't expect that he would suddenly receive a letter one day. It never crosses his mind that his worldview is suddenly changed because of a letter. For him, it was always like that he was spiraling in madness and hopelessness. He always sees things and hears murmurs. There was never a day where he wouldn't be ridden to craziness. Ademisaul always needs to be careful about where he should and shouldn't look and listen. Cautiousness and Wariness — There was never a day that he shouldn't apply those words. Ademisaul can't ever be a normal person. If he wasn't born different from other people, he should be able to live a normal life. He never wanted to be born with the ability to see or hear things that were beyond the comprehension of normal people. Ademisaul desires to become normal. An ordinary someone like the people who lives a regular and peaceful life. Yet, Ademisaul knows that it was forever an impossible dream. There was never a method for him to become normal.

Then, the letter came. Left unattended on one of the tables on the bar lying there not so innocently. For someone ordinary and who didn't possess any high spirituality, they would only see the parchment as an ordinary piece of paper with writings. It was different for Ademisaul who could see the behind its materialistic properties. It oozes of nothing ordinary. Ademisaul is someone who wanted to live an ordinary life. Yet, he picked the letter from the table. He would never let someone be harmed. What's more, if they are ignorant of the danger that it possesses. The moment that he picked up the letter from the table, Ademisaul's spirituality is telling him to unravel its contents. Not all of his experience was negative because of his ability. There were times that it has helped. But most of the time they are things that caused him to hurt himself. Intentionally or Unintended. He remembered the time that Old Neil comes with a man. Swain told him that the man was a new employee in the Blackthorn Security Company. Seeing the man had caused him to have his eyes start bleeding. Until now, Ademisaul knows that man is not normal. That man should be dead, but he wasn't. It was confusing and maddening.

When he opened the letter, he learned many things that he shouldn't. It was like his ability all over again. Except, it was different. Ademisaul was given two options. The first was to have his ability erased. The second was to enhance his ability further and learn to harness them.

The World was occupied by the orthodox churches and people worshipping their gods and goddesses, it was never been ordinary in the first place. Beneath, it was riddled with insanity and madness. Some people tread the path of becoming powerful and different from other people. They are called the Beyonders. A world of supernatural and mysteries. It was the world where Ademisaul lives.

That day, Ademisaul made a decision. The next day, Kenley White came to visit the bar secretly. He was like Ademisaul who also received a letter from the mysterious Ayfel Babel. But, he was also different from him. He was a Beyonder working under one of the Churches. Ademisaul felt a wave of bitterness towards him. Shouldn't they have helped with his condition? That was the first thing that Ademisaul made known towards his fellow compatriot over this strange situation that they found themselves in.

" There was nothing that the churches could do for you. "

Kenley White told him.

" You are of a monster pathway. It never corresponds to any of the sequences of the churches. "

" How can you be certain? "

They got to be lying. He was sure of it. Ademisaul told himself. Kenley White has a look on his face that Ademisaul would describe as pity. He hates the expression that was revealed on the Beyonder's face.

Ademisaul decided to entertain Kenley White when the latter changed the topic of conversation. They talk about the mysterious Ayfel Babel. They learned that the two of them was the only one who was received a letter. There was information that was unique to their letters. And a piece of common information for both of the letters.

Even feeling the slightest bit of resentment towards the Beyonder, Ademisaul thought that the danger lurking in the future was more important. There was a thing that both of them were in agreement. Why them? Why not send a letter about someone more capable?

Over the next days, Kenley White becomes a visitor to the Evil Dragon Bar. Ademisaul and the Beyonder from the Nighthawk come into agreement to change information on the contents of their letter. Together, both of them mused about various topics.

As Ademisaul saw Kenley White's silhouette disappear in the distance, he decided to return inside the bar. Turning his back towards the surroundings outside of the bar, He would just make his way inside the bar when he was approached by someone.

" Excuse me, Young Sir? "

Where is this well-mannered man come from? Ademisaul thought in his mind. People who came to Evil Dragon Bar are usually vulgar and uncouth. Is he perhaps another mysticism aficionado? Facing the guy, it registered to Ademisaul that the man was handsome but looking tired and old because of the traces of gray on the black hair. He was dressed in well-tailored clothes. Ademisaul would like to observe more of the man and know what he is doing in this place when he was suddenly assaulted by intense and blinding pain. It would continue further if the man didn't do something and cover his eyes.

" Oh, how forgetful of me. He said that you are a natural-born half monster. "

With his eyes still covered, Ademisaul asked.

" Who are you? "

There was an edge and wariness in his tone. He suddenly felt the unknown man shift his position and whisper to him.

" Me? You can call me Leonel Morax. I was sent by Mister Babel. "

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