Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Twisted desires

Holy Temple of  Knowledge —Lenburg ( August 8, 1349 - Wednesday )

  Today, Archbishop Alvis makes his report to the Pope after a few days since Yareth's advancement to sequence 8, student of rationalization.

" Prince Yareth has advanced to Sequence 8. Unfortunately, he nearly lose control. "

Archbishop Alvis said towards the Pope. The latter glance at the Archbishop and inclined his head thoughtfully. After a few seconds, the Pope muttered on his seat.

" As I shall expect of him. "

Archbishop Alvis has his head bowed slightly. He never dare what is the Pope was thinking or what would their God rely on his most loyal follower. He continued listening to the Pope's thoughts.

" The little prince's condition is unusual. There has never been a case of a child being born ordinary from Beyonder Parents. The normal thing that would happen was the child to inherit traits from either one of its parents. It was always the result. But then... the little prince's case has eluded us. "

The Pope stared at the Archbishop. The latter has his head bowed lower.

" Our God hasn't still answered towards the actions that you have committed. I shall take action once our God has replied and judged you for breaking rules. "

Archbishop Alvis nodded his head slightly. The Pope waved his hand and that was his cue to leave the halls. He still remembered his actions had gone against what was ordered of him. It may damage the already strained relationship that they have towards the Church of Mother Earth once they learned of the deal between their Church and the King of the Feynapotter Kingdom.

The Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom doesn't know what game was playing inside the King's head. And the Church of Mother Earth's position in the Feynapotter Kingdom was stable. They are the only religion remaining since the battle of violated Oath. Any remains of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom was minimized from the Feynapotter Kingdom since that day.

But one day, the current King decided to make a deal with them. He was ordered to attend together with Archbishop Nayeli. He was just supposed to entertain the King on his offer. Alvis should have never involved the church in the King's unknown game. The Feynapotter Kingdom's King was no better than the current King of the Loen Kingdom.

Alvis shouldn't have any accepted any deal. He shouldn't stare at the eyes that were filled with betrayal and despair. The little prince still calmly introduced himself despite his predicament. The King offered the little prince like a commodity and item. His mother appeared not bothered or affected. Yet, despite that, he still stared at his parents with love and affection. Even he looks like he would break because of the betrayal that he felt.

Alvis has accepted the offer. He even convince Archbishop Nayeli and swore that he would take responsibility for his actions. As people advance further and delve deeper on their path of becoming Beyonder, they would lose their humanity. Alvis thought that it was the same for him.

But the moment that he saw the prince, he never thought that he still have them. Although it was twisted and crook. He was now a Beyonder of White Tower Pathway. Yet, it appears that he still retains the traces of visionary Pathway.

The moment that he saw the Prince and look at him, he was overcome with want and need that he never know he would have. Alvis wanted to weave a story. A tale of a little prince so pure and innocent at the start. Always longing for his parent's love that he would never have. It was a love so strong that would never be fulfilled. He would wait and wait. But it would never be satisfied.

In the end, the Prince would fall into corruption. He would change and become twisted beyond belief. Someday, he wanted to watch how that story would end. Killing his parents or having the kingdom fall, any outcome that would end in tragedy for the Feynapotter Kingdom is something that he wanted. In one of his desired visions, he could see the little prince staring at his parents with cold eyes. There's no trace of humanity on them as he bathed in their blood.

The thought of it brought so much satisfaction to him. Alvis left the Holy Temple of Knowledge with a slight smile on his face. As if he wasn't just warned of the consequences of going against the orders. Alvis thought that they should be happy. Even the King and Queen of Feynapotter Kingdom so no potential towards their useless son, Alvis can see his potential. Prince Yareth must be no use to them, but he was still a legitimate heir. He was still leverage that has its uses. The Church must have seen it. For he wasn't punished for his deeds. But what if they know the truth? It must be different. If they learned that he was a member of the Psychology Alchemist.

He worked for so many years to gain the trust of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. He put his effort to remain unsuspicious and rise through the rank. He started as a member of the Minder Owls, went to the enlightened ones, and now he was a newly ordained Archbishop just a few years ago.

It was such an inspiring story of hard work and effort being rewarded. Truly, it would be a good story for the young children that would be cultivated to hear. There are lessons to be heard on being a traitor and someone who snitch information. Would Mr. Wrath agree with his opinion? He wasn't certain. But Mr. Lust, Gluttony, and Ma'am Greed would certainly agree with him.

It's been a while since he saw Mr. Wrath. He was designated here in the Lenburg. Specifically, the Azshara region. Even it has been a year since he last talk to him, Alvis was looking forward to talking to him again and telling an interesting story to his former mentor. He was looking forward to what would be the reaction of his mentor as he play the role of a kind and caring grandfather towards the pitiful prince who clings to any bits of love and care given to him.

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