Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Messy Affairs

–5th Epoch. August 26, 1349 (Sunday)

Holding the newest folded parchment, Levan Septimus unfolded the parchment. He started reading the letter that came from his student, the seventh prince– Yareth Castiya.

A minute has passed until he reached the end of the letter, a frown has formed on Levan's face after he read the contents of the newest letter from his student. Levan Septimus has started receiving letters since Friday. It has been 3 days since he started receiving a letter through his student's spirit messenger. He would never think that the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom would teach Yareth to summon a spirit creature from the spirit world this early. From the letter, Levan learned that Yareth was a sequence 8 Beyonder. He was glad for his student's successful advancement. At the same time, he couldn't also help but fret at Yareth's condition. The last time that he drank a potion to become a Beyonder, he nearly lose control. It was maybe thanks to luck that he has successfully become a Beyonder.

Levan Septimus folded the parchment after reading the letter and place it in one of the pockets of his coat. It was very good for Yareth that he managed to successfully make a contract with a very useful spirit creature. A spirit creature that can fly, is very fast and appears to have the ability to travel instantly through strange portals. Yet, he wonder what deal did he make with it? He worries that it was harmful to his student.

Levan then sighed. It was no use if he think of things pessimistically. A part of his mind thought that it was only natural for his mind to think that way considering the things that happened lately.

Considering that Prince Yareth isn't in the Feynapotter Kingdom and wasn't staying in the Castiya castle, Levan Septimus has been dismissed from his job by the King and Queen as a Royal Tutor. The other Royal Tutors was glad at his dismissal. Rumors spread quickly through their circle and the Feynapotter city once it was announced by the King and Queen. Truthfully, Levan Septimus hasn't been angered when he was dismissed. He have known that it would happen sooner or later. Levan was just disappointed that it didn't happen earlier. Around June after the first week that Yareth's presence disappeared in Castiya castle. Or maybe it would also be okay if it happened around July, just before Wendell has set out to travel to South Continent again. Looking for the traces and trails that were left by the presence of the sixth child. It was known in the public and implied that the Sixth child of the King and Queen of the Feynapotter Kingdom has died. It was a truth that the common people of the Feynapotter Kingdom have known. And a possibility that some of the nobles of the Feynapotter Kingdom were willing to suck up. It was even used as an opportunity by some of them to offer their condolences and make a connection to the Royal Family. A few were successful while most have failed in their endeavors.

Prince Clement being dead after that particularly covered-up accident was far from the truth. The King and Queen were more willing to let the Prince lose control and turn into a monster than kill him personally. The same could also be said for the Crown Prince and their other children except for Prince Yareth. They were more willing to erase the result of their failure for their perfectly planned failure. If it weren't for Wendell, Yareth should have been already dead.

Speaking of Crown Prince Wendell, Levan thought that he should have inherited some idiocy from the King and Queen. Possibly, it was just a natural characteristic coming from him. To love all of his siblings to the point of plain idiocy and stupidity. No matter how cold he was treated by them and seen as an enemy, Wendell has been masochistic to endure all of the sharp and cutting words coming from the 2nd to 6th child of the King and Queen. There was once a time when he thought that he was someone who feel pleasure from the treatment of his siblings. A bonafide masochist for his siblings. Until now, Levan still thought of Wendell as that kind of person.

Levan glance at the sky while he breathed the fresh and salty air coming from the sea. He was on a ship. But it wasn't a ship that belonged to the crown prince. Wendell was a person who can't stay in one place for too long. He wondered how did he manage the 4 years of studying in Azshara.

" Sir do you want any refreshments? "

Levan was interrupted in his thoughts by one of the attendants of the ship. He glances at the lady. The first thing that he noted was that she has a good body figure. Her dress is tight and fits the curves of her body. The second was her exceptionally attractive face. And there was also a small beauty mark beneath her left coffee-colored eyes. Her hair is tied into a very neat bun. A mature type of lady.

Levan can feel himself blushing. Thankfully, he didn't blurt out the first thing that came out of his mind the moment that he saw her.

“ Is it a refreshment that would heal my body spiritually? ”

No, that would end up badly. While the lady was still waiting for him, Levan decided to decline.

" If you need anything, you can call me again Sir. "

The lady left and Levan can't help but feel disappointed. The sweet and flirty sound coming from the beautiful 'lady' went unnoticed by him as he reasoned to himself that he has no time for a beautiful lady right now. Once this ship has scheduled to arrive in the Conant City, Levan Septimus would officially arrive in the Loen Kingdom. He have taken aboard a ship that was from the Seville City Port and would arrive in the Desi County– Conant City.

Only a few months have passed, it felt like Yareth who was talking through to him by a letter has changed a lot. He doesn't know all of the things that his student has been thinking. Or all of the ideas that went through on Yareth's mind. The only thing that he knows was to trust him. Even he was a child. Levan groaned at that thought. This world is filled with many impossible, gruesome, or fantastical things lurking beneath the surface, this world never said that it was impossible for the things that Yareth has claimed and written in his letters.

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