Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Spread the Knowledge

    5th Epoch. August 15, 1349 (Wednesday) Lenburg Capital- Azshara

   It's been 3 days since Yareth asked Yohan, his other self about his suspicion regarding Yilla. He neither denied nor said yes. Yohan his older and past self, eluded it like a fish jumping out of the net. Directing him out of the topic and distracting him with books in the Yilla, it was so frustrating that Yareth decided to give up for the meantime.

For now, he decided that his other self have won the unmentioned battle. Yareth sighed as he watched Mister Horace doing ritual magic.

" Power of Knowledge
Power of Reason
God of Wisdom! "

A believer of God of Steam and Machinery doing a ritual for the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. It was truly a sight to behold. Together with Miss Abigail and Mister Hobbs inside the room, they watched the ever eccentric Mister Horace attempt of ritual magic addressed towards the official God of Lenburg.

" Do you think that it would work? "

Yareth heard Mister Hobbs ask Miss Abigail. The latter could only chuckle awkwardly unsure of the situation. After a while, the ritual circle lit up, the metals of mercury and brass— metals associated with the God of Knowledge and Wisdom have been inlaid with strange symbols.

" Really?! "

Yareth can hear the tone of disbelief from Mister Hobbs.

" Our God is benevolent. As long as someone prayed to him sincerely, Our God would bless and help someone in need. Even it was an eccentric Beyonder like Sir Horace and a believer from other churches. "

At Miss Abigail's reply, Mister Hobbs groaned of someone like whose expectations and views have been thrown sideways. After a moment Yareth heard him mutter.

" I guess... Someone like Sir Haydn is one who our God would find worthy to assist. With his pursuits of knowledge, advancement, and progression, it was one of the qualities that Our God and the Church approves. "

" Right. "

" It's no wonder that the cooperation and relation with the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery aren't strained. Miss Lisa mentioned that teamwork with the members of  Machinery Hivemind on her mission outside of our country is always a success. "

" You're right. It was really unlike our Church's cordial yet strained relationship with the Church of the Lord of Storms and Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. "

" I heard from Captain when he was also called out on a mission outside of our country... He was sent on a cooperation mission. There were members from some other orthodox churches. "

" I haven't heard of Captain mentioning that he has been somewhere outside of our country. Unlike Miss Lisa where I know is frequently sent out of missions outside of the country. "

" That's probably he was now lazy nowadays. "

" So where country does Captain's mission happen? "

" It happened in one of the seaside cities in the Loen Kingdom. "

Yareth's interest was piqued at the mention of the Loen Kingdom. He listened to Mister Hobbs and Miss Abigail's conversation while watching Mister Horace look at the low leveled white tower Pathway charm with an appreciative look on his face. He was looking at the charm like it was a piece of meat and even caressing them tenderly. Yareth found it creepy and disturbing. What's more in his memories of his past life he knows that Mercury has harmful effects on the human body in his Science classes.

" Captain Victor complained about how he didn't want to work with
Mandated Punishers and the Beyonder group of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. "

" Hobbs, anyway I heard from rumors that the Church of the Lord of Storms has an incomplete formula of ours. Is it true? "

" Well from what captain told me, it was true. "

After that, the topic between Mister Hobbs and Miss Abigail took a somber tone. Yareth was called by Mister Horace to assist him in taking the charms on the floor and helping him carry them towards his workroom on the Academy of Wisdom and Knowledge. Yareth bid his goodbye towards Mister Hobbs and Miss Abigail who were engrossed in a very deep conversation. On their outside of the Minder Owls building, they encountered the other members and bid him farewell to them. Their Captain was on a chair reclining and relaxed. He was also sipping his extreme daily dose of tea just like a tea addict should. Yareth shuddered as he remembered the day that he learned the amount of tea that their Captain drinks every day. It reached unhealthy levels and it wasn't normal for a person to drink that much. Eventually, Yareth decided that it was better than drinking alcohol or Captain Victor indulging himself in drugs.

He can't believe that drugs have managed to find their way again in this world of Beyonder. Since 'He' decided to wipe out the oil and fossil fuels in this world when 'He' decided to reconstruct this world, shouldn't he suppose to also erase those things that don't even need to exist?

Maybe, Yareth can't fault 'him' for that problem. One way or another, humanity would find a way on destroying itself one way or another. Besides humans, other races exist. And some of those other races have already been extinct.

In this world of Beyonders, people have been very creative.

Most of the cases that the Minder Owls would be called on were a mission to arrest people who abuse themselves in illegal drugs that were deemed in this country. There were also cases of human trafficking and illegal prostitution from what has he heard.

Other than paperwork, since he advance to become a sequence 8, he has been involved with a few cases that were deemed for him appropriate. Archbishop Alvis told Mister Connor that he should tell the Minder Owls to don't let him go on missions that weren't deemed age-appropriate for him.

He wasn't allowed to go in the cases that involve investigating brothels and illegal prostitution. But he was allowed to go to the gruesome crime scenes and assist with the investigation of the dead body. Yareth thought that Archbishop Alvis has an illogical view of common sense.

Later, Yareth bid goodbye to Mister Horace after he helped him carry his things on his workshop in the Academy. Yareth didn't return to the Minder Owls or at Archbishop's residence. He wandered in Azshara and after a while, he go to visit a bookstore.

" Is there a particular book that you need, Young Sir? "

The attendant greeted him. Yareth noticed that she was a teenager with eye-catching reddish-brown hair and silver eyes. After a while he replied.

" I am not here to buy a book. I am here to request for you help me spread a story that I wanted many people to know and learn. "

" It was a pity that this world's civilization has been reduced to Victorian Era. With no oil and fossil fuel, it was like that it has no hope for further advancement. While I do find Roselle or Huang Tao's methods quite unlikeable, he was at least doing something helpful. As for Klein, it was a pity that he was embroiled with a lot of matters and enemies, it even didn't help that he was asleep at the end of the book. Yareth could you do me a favor? "

Hopefully, Yareth wouldn't regret this.

" With Yilla and the books here, we could spread knowledge. Even there was no hope in technological advancement, we could let this person of the new civilization learn the pre epoch civilization with stories. "

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