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Even if Sandy believed that I'll be back in my cell after the drug left my system it wasn't until another week that I was back in my old room with just one dusty window. I could hardly see anything through it but at least it informed me if it was day or nighttime.

"I told you not to pick fights with Byron. He is dangerous than he looks like." Sandy gritted out, her white hair whipping around and her hands working to wrap my fingers with a gauge. I got that infection after all.

"What about you?" I tried not to raise my voice. The things he told me the other day... "You haven't been truthful to me either. Even two months ago I had only one family member. My mom Roth. And now I'm hearing about things that don't make any sense. You don't tell me what you do with all the blood you take from me. I'm asking you questions after questions about my bloodline but all you say is to look through me. What the fuck does that even mean?"

One particular move of her twisting made me cruse, shit, I've made her angry. "Shh! Byron hears everything! You don't want his master knowing about that. Something tells me Byron hasn't told him about your bloodline or whatever he found out yet."

"Then tell me."

She still looked stubborn but after a minute, she slammed the bottle of medicine on the floor. It rolled a good few feet away along with my patience. "Fine! Deshayes, they were originally from old NOLA. They had few branches here and there in France and other areas but it's Nola where the practicing witches could be found."

"Witches?" A snicker left from my lips. "I am sorry. I think either the drug is still working or you are just as nuts as they are. I'm a living breathing pain in the ass human. Even Byron said so."

She smacked my head gently. "I know that. I checked some things with the lab. You have witch blood dated back to few centuries, surprisingly matched with a Deshayes. Asked a few things around. Turned out your sister sucked the magic out of you when you two shared wombs. My guess? When your family found you mundane, they put you up for adoption. Some families are like that, they want to keep the bloodline pure."

I flinched, not letting myself believe her. How could I!? Mom was all I had and now little miss Sandy here was telling me that I might be wrong? Of course, I was not going to believe it. She was lying to me just like the jackass Byron was.

"Your aura shifted, child." Sandy suddenly retorted, startling me. "You don't trust me."

"I don't." There was no point in lying. "Not until you start to tell me the truth."

"I'm telling you the truth! You even that mark on your neck telling me so." My hands immediately lifted to feel the mark she was talking about. It wasn't even a birthmark, it was a wound I got when I was a kid.

My tone shifted, alright. "That's not a 'mark'. I was playing in the rain, slipped in the mud, got a concussion, and the next day it appeared. You know something normal that happens when you are being extra reckless? Yeah, that. Whatever theory you have, it's not true."

I could feel her watching me with disappointment. "Those marks are given so witches can't practice magic. You don't understand, I get it. But denying what you see for yourself is foolish. Just like you believed your boyfriend Zachery wouldn't drive you mad but here we are."

Sometimes she could be a raging bitch and I could curse at her while nursing my poor heart. But there was one thing that made that coping mechanism pointless right now. Like her knowing things I never told her about.

"I never said anything about a Zachery." I pointed out, now just realizing that my hands were still at the mercy of her own. "I didn't even say who he was to me."

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now