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"What's going on?"

When Allegra called me in the devil awful time to meet her, I didn't exactly realize that I was meeting her along with every other Volkios. The place was literally swarming with ego and pride. 

"We are inviting you to the meeting." She assured with a smile. "Eros thought it's time we all talk face to face."

"The Demon?"

"The very one. Oh look, he's already talking to Emie." With that, she started walking toward them, forcing me to wonder how to kill a Volkios without facing punishment. I didn't know who this Eros was but I sure as hell didn't expect him to talk to my wife.

"Your shadows are literally this close to strangling him." I heard a voice behind me. Lana. "Please don't kill him. I kind of like him as a friend."

"Does he know who he is talking to?" 

"He will in a second if you actually interrupt him." Good point. By the time, Emie noticed that I was with them I had already claimed my spot beside her. I felt her tense but I was too far gone to consider what was good behavior.

"Volkios." I nodded at the man, raising my eyebrow at Emie. "Wife."

The Volkios, Eros looked at me with amusement. "It's Eros. I believe you are Darkness?"

I nodded, waiting for her to say something. But she stayed silent until Eros chuckled. "Nice to meet you. Your wife didn't mention you at all. I was just surprised that you two are already married without her...permission." 

What? Was little soul going around telling people that I forced her to marry me?

"She told you what-"

"I meant Rebecca." He was quick to clarify. "You need permission from the Eternal Volkios to go through any marriage. You know the laws, right?"

Fuck the new world and fuck the laws.

But I couldn't say that without ruining my master's reputation so I held in it like a good boy. "My wife also forgot to mention that I was only awakened like four years ago so I am not familiar with the new laws. It was wrong of me to not brush my knowledge up sooner."

"It's no problem. Just don't tell Rebecca about your marital status and we won't have anything to worry about." I tried to find any deceit in his eyes just as my shadows did but unfortunately, none of us found anything. Before I could grill him more, Allegra told us to sit down.

The Volkioses were ruthless.

I didn't have to spend too many seconds with them to deduce that. Especially that Eternal. 

"I suggest Emeline Deshayes go through a trial. She'll give us all the answers we want and we can put this matter behind us."

I was ready to let the shadows do their job when Lana spoke out. "It's not happening. My sister won't go through a trial."

"Why not?" The woman looked smug. "If she knows something-"

"Asked me that directly," Emie whispered with a scowl. I could feel her frustration and fear with our connection. I really could whack this Rebecca for even suggesting such a thing.

"Exactly. Ask her what she knows instead of jumping up to conclusions." I added after seeing her show a little hint of smile.

"And who are you?"

"That's Darkness." The fairy, Araceli let them know before I could. I couldn't trust the look in her eyes when she smiled slowly. "Forgive me, I've watched over your grave for years."

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