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"You were going to embrace my friend also known as death. But given the consequences, you woke me up-you, you are my bride." His bride?

I looked around to be sure but nothing on my part understood why the man who saved me thought I was his bride. It was a joke, wasn't it? But how could it be when he looked so smug about it?

"Oh! For devil's sake! The first time I've got to marry a lady who turned out to be deaf!"

I opened my mouth to say something, to counter his words but nothing came from my lips just as the girl in front of me stayed silent. Both of us were stunned, how could we not when the man, Alexei, as he called himself looked nothing like the man I noticed earlier. While that man was polite to me, this one was just mocking me. 

"Who exactly are you?" I heard the girl whisper. Alexei, I called out but the girl kept her gaze on the man as if I never said anything. Maybe I never did. It was a nightmare after all.  

"Oh. Look at that! You can speak. And here I thought I was talking to a deaf and mute." Alexei clapped his hands, forcing me to take a step back. I had to get away from here. I couldn't be stuck into one of these vicious cycles again. Not when there was not a cure to begin with. 

You are not even a demon, something in me chastised. Demos lied, didn't you realize?

"You didn't answer my question, you asshole. Who are you?"

This time I didn't bother to answer. I was quickly realizing that anything I said was not heard by any one of them. It's like I was practically invisible to them. So, I just stared, waiting for them to finish talking. 

"Such dirty mouth for a young lady! No, that won't do. Once this matrimony is done, we need to have a serious talk about that kind of behavior. I think I even have the-" Alexei started to look for something on his cloak only to come out empty. There was a frown on his face as he let out his next words. "Oh well...I thought the ring would appear with the ceremony on its own. My mistake, now where were we?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. There isn't any matrimony going on." Even as the girl said those words, she looked confused. 

"You forgot it already? Oh, the melodious chants, the screams of those witches, and the scary sound of your vows. Ouch! That hurts Emeline. That really hurts!" That fake gasp was followed by the girl's whisper asking if he was real or not. If she was dead or not.

Every emotion vanished from his face as he looked down at her. "Who do you think I am, Emeline?" 

"Your everything." A voice deep within me taunted, forcing me to let out a scream. 

And to my surprise, the same scream woke me up from the nightmare. The only difference? Unlike every other time, I had two nightmares I clearly remembered which led me to squeeze the silk between my fingertips in alarm. Wait, silk?

My gaze went to my fingers and then the fine silk that was draped around me. Not only it was there to make sure that I had every comfort that could be given but also I had a room with lavish decoration. It had rich red curtains and a black marble floor. One King-sized bed where I was currently sitting on, a walk-in closet, a door to probably to the bathroom, and a small balcony. And to my left was a big door to get out of the room.

I jerked away from the bed to see that I was wearing my previous clothes minus my jacket. Thank God, at least nobody changed me. Maybe they used a spell for me to get dry then? Dammit. One by one all memories came to my mind again and I froze. The man who saved me was the one haunting my dreams. All those times I never could put a face on those black abysses and now he was there.

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