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I knew something was horribly wrong the second Zach burst through the hallway. The hair on the back of my neck stood on as I replayed the scene over and over.

Zach screaming.

And disappearing through the dark vortex.

For months, I have ignored saying his name or even think about him. I dreaded to see him again. To look at him in the eyes and see hatred. The sound of my panic was drowned out when he started to casually walk on my way. His long trench coat looked odd on him like he was from a different century. Also, his short blond hair was now longer and in a ponytail almost reaching his shoulder. As I looked up and up, my eyes widened to see those blue eyes again.

"Lana." He nodded at me once he was in my earshot.

I only stared at him, trying to find what his game was but he didn't even move. "What the hell you are doing here?"

"Ah! It's lovely to meet you again face-to-face I suppose. Again I could've seen you a lot if it wasn't for your beloved sending me to hell." He feigned a disgusted shiver but it didn't need Sherlock to know who he was talking about. Mikhail. Just for that saying, my anger intensified.

I never asked Mikhail to take that step.

I never wanted him dead, not like this.

Before I could make my point and curse them to hell with it, everyone in the room started to chant causing my head to feel heavier and the room to blur. The first sign of the dread came from a little burning feeling through my arm and then spreading throughout my whole body.

Clumping my mouth shut, I tried to ignore the pain, to desperately fight off the effects of the ritual but my body hit the floor without a break. From my blurred vision, I saw Zach's mouth moving but I couldn't hear them. My mind screamed for me to stand up but I couldn't. I just watched Roth leaping forward to grab that awful book. Just as the chanting increased, it stopped altogether.

"Sage and Roth...before we continue this ritual, I want to talk to Lana in privacy...for our own good." Zach declared suddenly much to everyone's surprise. I turned my head slightly toward him. Nothing was making sense now and even Roth seemed pissed off for interrupting her ritual.

"Is this how it works, my dear? I wanted you to make an appearance so we could crush her confidence, breaking her even more and now you want to talk to her for our own good? Or is it for your own good?" Roth's paranoid scream echoed through the room, making me wince. Every little sound hurt. Hell, even breathing hurt.

"I'm on your side, Roth! I was the person who knew her the best once, so I am the best choice you've got to break her. Now, will you let me do my fucking job or do you want me to back off from the deal?" He snarled, making my heart run cold.

"This boy has potential. Let's not get the anger best of you, shall we?" Sage chuckled, calming Roth down a little.

My mind coursed over all the different possibilities of what could happen to me next and unfortunately, none of them were pleasant. Meanwhile, Roth seemed to think over for a minute before she finally nodded. "Okay. You have it. Don't make it longer than ten minutes or you're going down with her."

"Don't worry. It'll only take ten minutes to make her do whatever you want." A familiar smirk formed over his lips, making me more determined to not fall into his games. I needed strength if I wanted to save myself. Besides, I didn't know what job Zach got in hell as his punishment, so I didn't want to risk it if somehow he became stronger than me.

"Let's go." Zach's hold was surprisingly soft despite his threats as he dragged me from the room. But the thing with him was he always loved to surprise me. Maybe this one was another one of them.

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