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"Bring her."

It was happening more than often. To get stuck between the voices and those unknown people. Not completely unknown, something inside me screamed. What if it was memories of my human life? Some demons were once human before they died. 

I looked around but like always everything happened too fast for me to catch on. But one thing I could not forget was the look on my lookalike's face. Pure hatred and hopelessness shrewd her face as the man around her cut open his own palm. 

What were they doing exactly?

"Do you, Emeline Sullivan, the daughter of the clan leader, Conrad Sullivan, agree to break your pledge to the Red clan willingly?"

Any previous emotion bubbling over the girl's face washed away. "Yes."

I watched the girl snatch the knife from the man with a curious wonder. For a second, I wondered if I should try to touch anyone again. But before I could do that, the girl looked at the man like she couldn't wait to throw the knife at him.

"In birth, in life, and in death. Now I, Emeline Deshayes, willingly break the pledge to honor and be loyal to my afterlife."

Something happened then. Even I could feel the change in the air as everyone rushed to nod at the man. The girl still kept her emotion in check with barely a flinch that felt like only I noticed.

The man chided the girl where the woman spoke up with tremble in her bones. "Let go, Conrad. She's a child."

The girl looked at the woman for a second, making that hatred drop from her face. It couldn't be mistaken that the girl adored that woman. Then why did the woman was letting this happen to her? 

I watched them argue but the girl didn't even get a chance. The man with them was quick enough to open a book that forced the girl to let out a scoff. Everywhere I looked, I only heard the chants of numerous people. Witches...there was no doubt now. So, not a human then, a witch? How would that make sense with me being a demon? 

"Do you, the clan leader's daughter Emeline Sullivan, take this grave's owner, the darkest soul, also known as the King of Shadows, Darkness, as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."


Something like panic gripped my heart. A vision of the girl bleeding on her knees nearly brought me to my own knees. The girl was going to die, by God, she really was. And I had no choice but to have a front-row seat to witness that.

"It's OK, you're OK." The voice close to me let out a sigh. A very familiar voice. How many times the same voice had comforted me when I was feeling down? Just how many times was I going to let him break his true character to take care of me?

The answer was going to make me double over in tears.

And turned out, it really did.

As I felt the tiny droplets of blood trailing down my cheeks, even those weren't red like other demons.

I knew I wasn't the strongest demon out there, I had flaws. I could never feed without taking their souls. And punishing the lost souls roaming in hell as a Queen should? Forget about it. I gave them life instead. Life...as in it was living inside me when I was quite dead myself. Hell, at times I wondered just why Demos chose me out of all the females fawning over him back in hell.

"Your medicine." I jolted back at the voice near me. Demos. After he took over that man's body, I collapsed on the floor with him shouting my name in panic. He must have carried me to a bed.

Giving him a thankful smile, I raised my hand. He didn't take a second to hand me over the red substance I was taking since I could remember and gulped it all down my throat. The bitter taste was only there for a second before it started to kick in. No longer had I remembered what I saw in my nightmare nor did the fear had a place in my heart.

I was good as new. I could almost hear Demos utter those words in my ears. See Emeline? Even the broken can be fixed as I did to you!

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, love." He smiled, watching me get back on my feet. The rush of power surging through me was always a welcoming distraction as I tried not to think of what I saw earlier. Not that I had any memory of it. It was just a shapeless and mindless void like the place right below Hell. 

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, taking a step toward the balcony. The cold air bit into my skin which reminded me once again that I was able to physically feel everything. For a while, I wondered if I should tell Demos about it but then the oddity of it made me shy away from it.

I was already a broken doll in his eyes. No need to freak him out anymore than normal. 

"Roughly six or seven hours. You had a terrible fever...did you use too much of your energy to raise them?" I jerked at that, spooning around to see him. Was I really that sick? But a demon didn't...

As if knowing what I was going to ask, he let out a chuckle. "I know what's going inside this little head. You are different from anyone I have ever met, my Queen. You are special, and all mine."

Times like this I could only stare at his onyx eyes and curse my fate. Why was he so...nice to me?

The lack of any voice only made him laugh harder. Giving him a pointed stare I waited until he subdued. "You done?"

"Almost." He started going over the cardboard, picking up clothes. Surprising me, he threw a jacket in my way. "Now we're done."

I looked at the jacket once and then at him. Wearing something of the King was forbidden, even when he was in another man's body. But he wanted me to...fuck it. Wearing it, I looked back at him to watch his eyes change and immediately, a rush of power left from his body to the air. Not even a minute and there was a portal waiting for us to cross over. 


Norcia, once a growing town of hundreds of families was now partially reclaimed by nature.  While this town was no longer home to the families that lived there, it was now home to the Coven.

Our blood enemies.

"Do you know how long it'll take to find one witch?" He asked getting impatient when we noticed not even one person was out in the wildness. Before he could say more, a gentle breeze passed by me and immediately a faint smell caught my nose.

"I can feel...who is that?" I cut myself off to point out a girl several feet away from us. 

"Looks like we've found our witch." Demos's happy sigh was telling me that in an hour the Coven would be dead or worse would be sent to rot in Hell.

Then why didn't it felt good? Why did it felt...like a betrayal?

"Come on, we have to follow her. She'll lead us to the Coven." Before I could argue or anything, he took my wrist to follow the girl only stopping once she disappeared into a house.

From the outside, it seemed like they were celebrating something. They even had robes for people to wear before entering the place. Demos looked at me once, nodding at the piece of cloth. It didn't take us long to get into the house with the crowd wearing similar outfits.

"What now?" I whispered as Demos let out a vile chuckle.

"We attack."


How far our Emie has fallen...Now, wait and see what happens next. Let me know what you guys are thinking. Vote, comment, & Enjoy!

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