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The half-broken door rattled at the force it was open but I could care less about the door right now. Not when I couldn't even recognize my own voice and the words flowing from my lips. Not when all I wanted was to let my shadows out and let them play with that witch I saw earlier.

Emeline Deshayes.

My eyes closed with disgust, the fact that she couldn't look any more like her said what I needed to know. She wasn't supposed to exist after what happened. Hell, she wasn't even meant to be alive after I greedily tasted her blood.

And yet there she was.

Looking as curious as ever.

Just as I remembered her face, a groan left my lips. How foolish she was to believe her own clan members. They were nothing but power-hungry warlocks who wanted my powers.

My shadows!

For a moment, I was distracted when my eyes racked over the broken house, which once used to just tents where we all lived. How many years had really passed for them to make a house like this? I mused over watching the spider webs on the walls. Not only this place looked so different, but even the name of this place wasn't recognizable.

New Orleans.

I tasted the name on my tongue only to feel bitterness filled my bones. Walking farther into the house, my eyebrow rose when I was met with the sight of brutal claw marks on the floor. This must be the room where the clan used to summon beings.

My attention went upstairs where I could see the state of the house was more damaged. But nothing mattered as I walked through the hallways and reached the room which called me the most.

For old time's sake, I knocked on the thick wooden almost rotten door. When no one answered, I let myself enter the once brightly colored room.

And stopped abruptly.

The furniture in the room might seem new but the things I possessed were still there, decorated in a way only one person could. The large bookshelf took half part of the room where lied the books I used to read. To my right, I noticed the large King sized bed. Though it was dusty, it felt like forever I saw something to sleep on other than the cold hard ground.

A sudden dripping sound of water had me whipped around to see where it was coming from. With difficulty, I left the room to find the roof where someone must have made a garden of flowers. Watching the flowers rot, I let out a bitter laugh. Everything was dead around me. Even the small pool near the rose garden was filled with waste and dirt. Just as I looked down to watch my reflection in the water, I only found dark eyes staring back in deadly gory.

I looked like Darkness indeed.



I stopped to take a needed breath.

I had been walking across the town border for the whole day only to get disappointed. Sweat formed on my forehead and my jaw clenched in concentration. Any sound or a whisper had me clutch my bag in alarm. Not that I didn't have a reason to be jumpy, considering I was a runaway witch who was wanted everywhere for mass murder.

"Do you need help with that?" A sudden voice had me jump in surprise. Looking back at the person, I wished I didn't.

Warm Grey eyes held my eye contact, which had my breath hitched in alarm. Thankfully, I was wearing one of Gema's hoodie, hiding my face so the person really didn't notice who I was yet.

"Madam, are you ok?" He asked again.

Oh, no, I'm not. I'm not Ok. I chanted in my head wiping the tears that were threatening to fall. But all I did was give him a nod.

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now