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The sinister look on Demos's face was enough to let me knew that he was in a phase. We even had a pact about it. When Demos was in a phase, I was ordered to usually leave him be. So it wasn't safe for me to say that I suddenly didn't like the idea of attacking witches when there was a festival going on. Still, I had to try my luck.

"Now?" I asked, dreading his mood. I didn't want to see that look on his face like that time in Hell when I accidentally said that I wanted to tour earth. He didn't take it very well and practically blew a fuse saying there's only danger and filth resided on earth. That's the only time I think he was disappointed in me. 

Regardless, right now, the look on his face was hard to read. When he didn't say a word, I tried again. "Demos, are you alright?"

"Why do you keep doing this, love?" He finally said, his red eyes dangerously rested in my direction. I couldn't decide if the rage brewing in his eyes were for me or the witches. "You know I'm phasing, the demon in me won't rest until I have those filthy blood on my hands. You know we need to find the cure, for you. So, why?"

"I-I didn't...I'm not stopping you. I'm just saying that maybe if we talk first and then do all the killing later." I tried to look more confident than I felt. 

"Sometimes I wish you weren't who you are." The flinch came out of nowhere. "I'm the Demon King, your King. I can do whatever I can. And yet, I can never get angry at you, never punish you for defying me. What have you done to me, Emeline?" 

The pressure building in my chest was nothing compared to that lovely smile on Demos's face. He was the Demon King, my King.

He owned me. And yet...

"It was just a suggestion, Demos." 

"Hmm. Let's see how your plan works first. But if any witch even shows any amount of disrespect then they're mine to take. You can't deny me that much."

Fair enough. Quickly swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded and immediately his face brightened. I was stunned again at the ferocity of his gaze. 

"Be careful, they just spelled shut the property." Even if I was different, Demos was far better at feeling things than mine. "Come on, let's go upstairs."

My words seemed to catch in my throat as soon as we went upstairs. The whole place contained people from different clans mingling around so I decided to look around to buy myself some more time. Every wall in the place had pictures of witches descended from the very first witch and warlock. Everywhere I looked, I only found bits and pieces of a haggard memory I couldn't get away from. 

As if that was not worse enough, suddenly a voice aroused from the corner of the room. At first, it was just a hazy murmur before all of them joined, making it a chanting. No sooner, that made me sucked into oblivion.

"Now do you, Darkness, the King of Shadows, take Emeline to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

No! I was back again. I was back in this horrible nightmare. Where was Demos? Why didn't he follow me?

"Shh...Just relax and let it happen."

My gaze met the offended man and immediately my blood ran cold. That man had that knife positioned near the girl's throat. And by the glint in his eyes, he was going to do it without any remorse. 

My mouth opened to let out a scream, to warn that girl who looked eerily like myself but no matter how much I tried, nothing left from my lips. No scream, no cry. Only fear as the knife grazed her throat only to run it deep into her skin, enough to seep blood from the wound. 

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