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The portal left us to a bright hall, only to notice one elegant short woman rushing toward us from the other side of the portal. Her alarming tone didn't go unnoticed nor did it made the woman look any less strange. Instead of fear marring her aura, she only held anger as if...

"Chi sei-" Her rambling stopped suddenly, her gaze leaving Mikhail's to meet with someone behind him. Mikhail along with I turned to look who just made her pause when she let out a heavily tinted English. "Oh, it's you. Should have known you'd bring hell with you once again."

Lana grinned at the woman. "And I see you are still your charming self, Allegra."

"Can't say the same about you." The woman, Allegra let out a sigh. "A clan from nearby needs our help, so please, whatever reason you came here can wait."

I could wait, heck, that would be the right thing to do. But when it came to my little soul, I was never too careful, was I? So, I stepped forward with venom in my gaze. "It can't wait, little witch."

She held my gaze with a clenched fist. "It's quite bold of you to be in a territory and threaten its leader, Darkness. Oh, yes, I know who you are. While you may take a skin of a mortal, your shadows cry to be recognized. If I wasn't in a hurry I might have entertained your plea but alas! I need to go so if you can kindly step aside..."

I let her have it, still quite surprised that a Volkios had known of me when I tried so hard not to be recognizable. Before she could leave though, Lana hurried to match those steps. "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Oh, for you to leave us shattered again?" Allegra smiled, mirth washing over us in volumes. "No, thank you."

"Oh, for the love of the devil, let us help. Have you see their faces?" Zed, who finally joined us yelled out in an urgency. In the haze of finding Emie, none of us noticed how many people had been running around us, scared of their minds. So, something had to have happened that concerned even a Coven who always held their head high when it came to danger.

They needed help, whether this woman in front of me liked it or not. 

Allegra did stop but she didn't turn her head to look at Zed. "You have the aura of a clan leader so I hope you understand-"

"I do understand." He replied, walking as close to her as he dared. "That's why I'm asking you to think clearly. To tell us what happened there. Your members are scared right now. Even we can see that."

She looked like she couldn't wait to run any faster. But instead, she turned back with no emotions on her face. "From what I could gather, there was a celebratory function going on but some people crashed it. The people who ran for help said that..." She paused, looking at Lana with a smirk. "Now that they described how the girl looked like, it awfully reminded me of you, Lana."

Shots fired.

I felt that fire went through my vein again. The same one I felt the day I met Emie on her knees near my grave. She was near, it had to be.

"Where is this clan of yours?" I didn't care that I was cornering a Volkios. I could feel my shadows urge me to go there, to find her. It was the only thing I could hear, the only thing I could breathe out.


"The next town." That's the only confirmation I needed to nod at Zed who quickly opened a portal and when I finally jumped into it, I didn't expect to hear those familiar screams. To feel that dread again as she fell into water like her limbs didn't exist anymore.

And for me, nothing existed either.

I could only remember going after her.

I didn't notice the chaos around me nor did I notice Lana, Mikhail, and Zed finishing off every creature who dared to go after my little soul. She was mine to take, not theirs. How dare they push her?

The Reaper Saga [Book 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now